
时间:2015-08-22 09:52:20

标签: python python-3.x


P.S。任何其他提示将非常感激,如如何改进编码。请记住,我是一个全新的人,我并不是很了解很多功能,所以要尽可能简单和居高临下(我不介意)。干杯啦! [嗯......我怎么让这个更加变质?我想编辑脚本间距有点不断,因为它需要更加宽泛,所以希望这个额外的文本会让它变得更加分散...只是忽略这部分]

import random
running = True

while running:
    guessTaken = 0
    print("Hello! What is your name? ")
    myName = input()

    number = random.randint(0,10)
    print("Well, " +myName+ ", I am thinking of a number between 1 and 10.")
    print("I'll give you 10 guesses, see if you can guess the number I'm thinking of!")

    while guessTaken < 10:
        guess = input("Go on! Take a guess: ")
        guess = int(guess)

        guessTaken += 1

        if number > guess:
            print("Too low!")
        if number < guess:
            print("Too high!")
        if number == guess:
            print("You got it!")
            guessTakenstr = str(guessTaken)
            print("Good job " +myName+ ", you guessed my number in " +guessTakenstr+ " guesses!")
            input("Press <enter> to exit")
            running = False

    if number != guess:
        number = str(number)
        print("Sorry, you've had your 10 goes! The number I was think of was " +number)
        running = False

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


while guessTaken < 10:

while (guessTaken < 10) and running:


添加更多解释。 while循环将检查条件guessTaken < 10并继续运行10次,无论您的输入是什么(因为guessTaken在循环中递增一次)。为了摆脱循环,您需要在此处添加break语句

if number == guess:
        print("You got it!")
        guessTakenstr = str(guessTaken)
        print("Good job " +myName+ ", you guessed my number in "+guessTakenstr+ " guesses!")
        input("Press <enter> to exit")
        running = False
        break # Break statement added


while (guessTaken < 10) and running:

答案 1 :(得分:0)

我猜测你的内部while循环的缩进在你的程序中实际上是正确的(也就是它在while running:循环中缩进了2个空格) -

  print("I'll give you 10 guesses, see if you can guess the number I'm thinking of!")

  while guessTaken < 10:



此外,从程序看起来你真的不需要外循环,因为经过10次猜测你仍然退出循环(所以它只运行一次迭代),如果是这样,你可以删除它完全循环(while running:循环)并跳出while guessTaken < 10:循环。示例 -

guessTaken = 0
print("Hello! What is your name? ")

while guessTaken < 10:
    if number == guess:
        print("You got it!")
        guessTakenstr = str(guessTaken)
        print("Good job " +myName+ ", you guessed my number in " +guessTakenstr+ " guesses!")
        input("Press <enter> to exit")

if number != guess:
    number = str(number)
    print("Sorry, you've had your 10 goes! The number I was think of was " +number)