MODULE mo_zenith
! Description:
! <Say what this module is for>
! Current Code Owner: <Name of person responsible for this code>
! History:
! Version Date Comment
! ------- ---- -------
! <version> <date> Original code. <Your name>
! Code Description:
! Language: Fortran 90.
! Software Standards: "European Standards for Writing and
! Documenting Exchangeable Fortran 90 Code".
! Modules used:
USE mo_mpi, ONLY: p_parallel_io, p_bcast, p_io
USE mo_kind, ONLY: dp
USE mo_io_units, ONLY: nout
USE mo_exception, ONLY: finish
USE mo_jsbach_grid , ONLY: domain_type
PUBLIC :: compute_orbit_and_solar, init_zenith, cos_zenith
REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, SAVE :: cos_zenith(:) !< Cosine of solar zenith angle for domain
LOGICAL :: module_configured = .FALSE.
LOGICAL :: module_initialized = .FALSE.
SUBROUTINE compute_orbit_and_solar(domain)
! Compute orbital parameters for current time step
! Called from *jsbalone_driver* at the beginning of each time step
! If coupled with ECHAM:
! this is done in *pre_radiation* from *mo_radiation*, called in *scan1*
! the cosine of zenith angle is passed from ECHAM to the interface
! the interface copies the packed zenith angle to *cos_zenith*
USE mo_time_control, ONLY: l_orbvsop87, get_orbit_times
USE mo_orbit, ONLY: orbit_kepler, orbit_vsop87
USE mo_radiation_parameters, ONLY: nmonth,solar_parameters
TYPE(domain_type), INTENT(in) :: domain
LOGICAL :: l_rad_call = .FALSE.
LOGICAL :: lyr_perp = .FALSE. !< Switch to specify perpetual vsop87 year
INTEGER :: yr_perp = -99999 !< year if lyr_perp == .TRUE.
REAL(dp) :: rasc_sun, decl_sun, dist_sun, orbit_date, time_of_day
REAL(dp) :: flx_ratio, cos_mu0(domain%nland,1), daylght_frc(domain%nland,1)
REAL(dp), DIMENSION(domain%nland,1) :: sinlon, sinlat, coslon, coslat
INTEGER :: nland
nland = domain%nland
IF (.NOT. module_initialized) CALL init_zenith(domain)
CALL get_orbit_times(l_rad_call, lyr_perp, nmonth, yr_perp, time_of_day, orbit_date)
IF (l_orbvsop87) THEN
CALL orbit_vsop87 (orbit_date, rasc_sun, decl_sun, dist_sun)
CALL orbit_kepler (orbit_date, rasc_sun, decl_sun, dist_sun)
sinlon(:,1) = domain%sinlon(1:nland)
sinlat(:,1) = domain%sinlat(1:nland)
coslon(:,1) = domain%coslon(1:nland)
coslat(:,1) = domain%coslat(1:nland)
CALL solar_parameters(decl_sun, dist_sun, time_of_day &
,sinlon, sinlat, coslon, coslat &
,flx_ratio, cos_mu0, daylght_frc)
cos_zenith(1:nland) = cos_mu0(1:nland,1)
END SUBROUTINE compute_orbit_and_solar
SUBROUTINE init_zenith(domain)
! Pre-compute some work quantities for domain
TYPE(domain_type), INTENT(in) :: domain
IF (module_initialized) RETURN
module_initialized = .TRUE.
END SUBROUTINE init_zenith
END MODULE mo_zenith
任何想法? 提前谢谢!