检查字符串是否有$ any_thing_between_dollarSigns $或@ any_thing_between' @'在@.net中签名@如何操作

时间:2015-08-10 11:52:19

标签: c# vb.net oop



我的名字是$ John $ $ Developer $



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

您可以使用value.Split('$')。结果数组中的每个第二个条目都是' $'。


答案 1 :(得分:2)


using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

string sentence = "My Name is $John$ The $Developer$"; //or TextBox1.Text;
//split sentence into words and store them in a collection
var allWords = Regex.Split(sentence, @"\s+").Where(s => s != string.Empty);
//collection to store $words$
var wordsInDollarSigns = new List<string>();

//loop through all words in allWords
foreach(string word in allWords)
    //if a word matches your requirement, add it in wordsInDollarSigns
    if (Regex.IsMatch(word, @"\$(.+?)\$"))
        //to remove $ from the words use the following instead
        wordsInDollarSigns.Add(word.Replace("$", string.Empty));

//wordsInDollarSigns now contains the matches


答案 2 :(得分:0)

'' Textbox Values in the Variable
valuefromTextbox = txtString.Text.ToString()

''Split the value and by Space and save it into Array.
Dim arrayofvaluefromTextboxSplitted As String() = valuefromTextbox.Split(" ")
'' Now I want to get those words from a string which are surrounded by $Anyword$...
For Each word As String In arrayofvaluefromTextboxSplitted

Dim arrayforSplittedSecondIndex As String() = Nothing
    '' Store the word which is surrounded by $ sign
    If Regex.IsMatch(word, "\$(.+?)\$") Then
        '' This will split by $ sign and will take the 2nd(which is 1) index value of arrayselect. I want word without $$ sign
        arrayforSplittedSecondIndex = word.Split("$")
        word = arrayforSplittedSecondIndex(1).ToString()
        '' Store the value in a variable
        selectValueInlbl = word.Trim.ToString()
        lblcheckSelect.Text += word & "<br/>"
        arrayforSplittedSecondIndex = Nothing
    End If