
时间:2015-08-07 14:05:42

标签: excel vba



Sub SaveNumberedVersion()

Dim strVer As String
Dim strDate As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strNewPath As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim strOldFilePath As String
Dim oVars As Variant
Dim strFileType As Integer
Dim strVersionName As String
Dim intPos As Long
Dim sExt As String
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim strNewFolderName As String

Set oVars = ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties

strDate = Format((Date), "dd MMM yyyy")
strOldFilePath = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
strNewFolderName = "Superseded"

strPath = ActiveWorkbook.Path

    If Len(Dir(strPath & "\" & strNewFolderName, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
        MkDir (strPath & "\" & strNewFolderName)
    End If

With ActiveWorkbook
    On Error GoTo CancelledByUser
    If Len(.Path) = 0 Then 'No path means document not saved
        .Save 'So save it
    End If
    strPath = .Path 'Get path
    strFile = .Name 'Get document name

End With

intPos = InStr(strFile, " - ") 'Mark the version number
sExt = Right(strFile, Len(strFile) - InStrRev(strFile, ".xl"))

If intPos = 0 Then 'No version number
    intPos = InStrRev(strFile, ".xl") 'Mark the extension instead
End If

strFile = Left(strFile, intPos - 1) 'Strip the extension or version number

Select Case LCase(sExt) 'Determine file type by extension
    Case Is = "xlsx"
        strFileType = 51
    Case Is = "xlsm"
        strFileType = 52
    Case Is = "xlsb"
        strFileType = 50
    Case Is = "xls"
        strFileType = 56
    'Case Is = "dotx"
        'strFileType = 14
    'Case Is = "dotm"
        'strFileType = 15
End Select

Start: 'Get Registry Data
On Error Resume Next 'No entry in registry will flag an error
strVer = oVars("varVersion").Value
On Error GoTo 0
If strVer = "" Then 'Variable does not exist
    strVer = "0"
    ActiveWorkbook.CustomDocumentProperties.Add Name:="varVersion", LinkToContent:=False, Type:=msoPropertyTypeString, Value:="0"
End If
strVer = Val(strVer) + 1 'Increment number
oVars("varVersion").Value = strVer
'Define the new version filename change version in line below to Rev if required
strVersionName = strPath & "\" & strFile & " - " & strDate & _
" - Rev " & Format(Val(strVer), "00# ") _
& Format(Time(), "hh-mm") & Chr(46) & sExt

   strNewPath = strPath & "\" & strNewFolderName & "\" & strFile & " - " & strDate & _
" - Rev " & Format(Val(strVer), "00# ") _
& Format(Time(), "hh-mm") & Chr(46) & sExt

'and save a copy of the file with that name
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strNewPath
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strVersionName

Kill strOldFilePath

Exit Sub

CancelledByUser: 'Error handler
MsgBox "Cancelled By User", , "Operation Cancelled"
End Sub

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