VB.NET Linq使用查询语法

时间:2015-08-06 18:53:36

标签: vb.net linq left-join linq-to-objects anonymous-types



Dim q =
    From a In apps.AsEnumerable()
    Group Join s In support.AsEnumerable()
    On a("Title").ToString() Equals CType(s("Product"), FieldLookupValue).LookupValue 
    Into Group
    From ajs In Group.DefaultIfEmpty()
    Select New With {
        .Name = a("Title"),
        .SupportEnd = IIf(ajs Is Nothing, Nothing, ajs("End"))

我可以用任何方式比较On Statement中的匿名类型吗?我似乎无法在语法上获得正确的语法,或者可能不可能。我觉得可以解决空引用错误。我的失败尝试返回等于无法将类型与类型

Dim q =
   From a In apps.AsEnumerable()
   Group Join s In support.AsEnumerable()
   (New With {Key .AppName = a("Title").ToString()}) Equals
   (New With {Key .AppName = IIf(s Is Nothing, "nada", CType(s("Product"), FieldLookupValue).LookupValue)})
   Into Group
   From ajs In Group.DefaultIfEmpty()
   Select New With {
      .Name = a("Title"),
      .SupportEnd = IIf(ajs("End") Is Nothing, Nothing, ajs("End"))


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Dim q =
    From a In apps.AsEnumerable()
    Group Join s In support.AsEnumerable()
    On a("Title").ToString() Equals CType(s("Product"), FieldLookupValue).LookupValue 
    Into Group
    From ajs In Group.DefaultIfEmpty(support(0))
    Let NoSupport As Boolean = IIf(ajs.Equals(support(0)), True, False)
    Select New With {
        .Name = a("Title"),
        .SupportEnd = IIf(NoSupport, "No Support", ajs("End"))