我正在尝试正确配置FreeBSD 10.1中安装的collectd(5.4.2)插件。我希望根据下面的配置来实现 请参阅由rsyslog管理的/ var / log / messages文件中的警告事件 它为在警告级别及以上级别报告的任何设施写入此文件。
我没有收到任何阈值警告。我使用过像#34; stress -c" 迫使闲置" jiffies"。
我似乎成功收集了基于使用rrdtool lastupdate显示的信息
我正在寻找各种设施的问题 认为GaugeInc将是更合适的DSType,但事实并非如此 我当前的收集版本支持。
cat /usr/local/etc/collectd.conf
Hostname "localhost"
FQDNLookup true
BaseDir "/var/db/collectd"
PIDFile "/var/run/collectd.pid"
TypesDB "/usr/local/share/collectd/types.db"
#ReadThreads 5
#WriteThreads 5
#A value is identified by a unique name, which we usually call The "identifier" consists of five parts, two of which are optional:
#plugin instance (optional)
#type instance (optional)
# e.g. host "/" plugin ["-" plugin instance] "/" type ["-" type instance]
# localhost/cpu-0/cpu-idle
LoadPlugin syslog
<plugin syslog>
LogLevel warning
NotifyLevel "OKAY"
LoadPlugin cpu
LoadPlugin aggregation
<LoadPlugin df >
Interval 300
LoadPlugin interface
LoadPlugin load
LoadPlugin memory
LoadPlugin match_regex
LoadPlugin rrdtool
LoadPlugin threshold
<LoadPlugin tail >
Interval 60
<plugin "df">
FSType zfs
MountPoint "/"
#ReportInodes false
ValuesPercentage true
<plugin rrdtool>
DataDir "/var/db/collectd/rrd"
CacheTimeout 120
CacheFlush 900
<plugin aggregation>
Plugin "cpu"
Type "cpu"
SetPlugin "cpu"
SetPluginInstance "%{aggregation}"
GroupBy "Host"
GroupBy "TypeInstance"
CalculateAverage true
<Chain "PostCache">
<Rule> # send cpu values for aggregation
<Match regex>
Plugin "^cpu$"
PluginInstance "[0-9]+$"
<Target write>
Plugin "aggregation"
Target stop
<Target write> # Write everything else via rrdtool.
Plugin "rrdtool"
<plugin "tail">
<File "/var/log/messages">
Instance "messages"
# localhost/tail-messages/counter-ace
Regex "local1.(err|warn|alert|crit)"
DSType "CounterInc"
Type "counter"
Instance "ace"
Regex "local0.(err|warn|alert|crit)"
ExcludeRegex "smdr:"
DSType "CounterInc"
Type "counter"
Instance "postgres"
Regex "local4.(err|warn|alert|crit)"
DSType "CounterInc"
Type "counter"
Instance "mec"
Regex "local5.(err|warn|alert|crit)"
DSType "CounterInc"
Type "counter"
Instance "web"
Regex "(local6|local7).(err|warn|alert|crit)"
DSType "CounterInc"
Type "counter"
Instance "apache"
Regex "^.*$"
ExcludeRegex " local[0-7] "
DSType "CounterInc"
Type "counter"
Instance "os"
<Plugin "threshold">
<Plugin "interface">
Instance "eth0"
<Type "if_octets">
FailureMax 10000000
DataSource "rx"
<plugin "df">
<type "df">
Instance "/zroot/ROOT/default"
WarningMax 75
<Host "Hostname">
<plugin "aggregation">
<type "cpu-average">
Instance "idle"
WarningMin 17000
FailureMin 15000
Hits 1
<Plugin "memory">
<Type "memory">
Instance "free"
WarningMin 10000000
<plugin "load">
<type "load">
DataSource "midterm"
FailureMax 4
Hits 3
Hysteresis 3
<Plugin "tail">
Instance "messages"
<type "counter">
Instance "os"
WarningMax .001
Instance "ace"
WarningMax .001
答案 0 :(得分:0)
阈值最常见的错误是过滤限制过多。尝试删除func startApp(){
let difference = self.currentBackgroundDate.timeIntervalSinceDate(NSDate())
self.handler(difference) //update difference
self.start() //start timer