
时间:2015-08-05 14:58:33

标签: python nlp nltk named-entity-recognition


my_sent = "WASHINGTON -- In the wake of a string of abuses by New York police officers in the 1990s, Loretta E. Lynch, the top federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, spoke forcefully about the pain of a broken trust that African-Americans felt and said the responsibility for repairing generations of miscommunication and mistrust fell to law enforcement."

nltk.ne_chunk(my_sent, binary=True)

但我无法弄清楚如何将这些实体保存到列表中?例如。 -

print Entity_list
('WASHINGTON', 'New York', 'Loretta', 'Brooklyn', 'African')


7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:30)


查看Named Entity Recognition with Regular Expression: NLTK

>>> from nltk import ne_chunk, pos_tag, word_tokenize
>>> from nltk.tree import Tree
>>> def get_continuous_chunks(text):
...     chunked = ne_chunk(pos_tag(word_tokenize(text)))
...     continuous_chunk = []
...     current_chunk = []
...     for i in chunked:
...             if type(i) == Tree:
...                     current_chunk.append(" ".join([token for token, pos in i.leaves()]))
...             elif current_chunk:
...                     named_entity = " ".join(current_chunk)
...                     if named_entity not in continuous_chunk:
...                             continuous_chunk.append(named_entity)
...                             current_chunk = []
...             else:
...                     continue
...     return continuous_chunk
>>> my_sent = "WASHINGTON -- In the wake of a string of abuses by New York police officers in the 1990s, Loretta E. Lynch, the top federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, spoke forcefully about the pain of a broken trust that African-Americans felt and said the responsibility for repairing generations of miscommunication and mistrust fell to law enforcement."
>>> get_continuous_chunks(my_sent)
['WASHINGTON', 'New York', 'Loretta E. Lynch', 'Brooklyn']

答案 1 :(得分:8)


import nltk
for sent in nltk.sent_tokenize(sentence):
   for chunk in nltk.ne_chunk(nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(sent))):
      if hasattr(chunk, 'label'):
         print(chunk.label(), ' '.join(c[0] for c in chunk))


GPE New York
PERSON Loretta E. Lynch
GPE Brooklyn

您可以看到WashingtonNew YorkBrooklyn GPE表示地理政治实体

Loretta E. LynchPERSON

答案 2 :(得分:4)






import nltk

my_sent = "WASHINGTON -- In the wake of a string of abuses by New York police officers in the 1990s, Loretta E. Lynch, the top federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, spoke forcefully about the pain of a broken trust that African-Americans felt and said the responsibility for repairing generations of miscommunication and mistrust fell to law enforcement."

parse_tree = nltk.ne_chunk(nltk.tag.pos_tag(my_sent.split()), binary=True)  # POS tagging before chunking!

named_entities = []

for t in parse_tree.subtrees():
    if t.label() == 'NE':
        # named_entities.append(list(t))  # if you want to save a list of tagged words instead of a tree

print named_entities


[Tree('NE', [('WASHINGTON', 'NNP')]), Tree('NE', [('New', 'NNP'), ('York', 'NNP')])]

另见:How to navigate a nltk.tree.Tree?

答案 3 :(得分:3)


>>> chunked = nltk.ne_chunk(my_sent)
>>>  [ " ".join(w for w, t in elt) for elt in chunked if isinstance(elt, nltk.Tree) ]
['WASHINGTON', 'New York', 'Loretta E. Lynch', 'Brooklyn']

答案 4 :(得分:3)

使用nltk.chunk中的tree2conlltags。 ne_chunk还需要标记单词标记的pos标记(因此需要word_tokenize)。

from nltk import word_tokenize, pos_tag, ne_chunk
from nltk.chunk import tree2conlltags

sentence = "Mark and John are working at Google."
"""[('Mark', 'NNP', 'B-PERSON'), 
    ('and', 'CC', 'O'), ('John', 'NNP', 'B-PERSON'), 
    ('are', 'VBP', 'O'), ('working', 'VBG', 'O'), 
    ('at', 'IN', 'O'), ('Google', 'NNP', 'B-ORGANIZATION'), 
    ('.', '.', 'O')] """

这将为您提供元组列表:[(token,pos_tag,name_entity_tag)] 如果这个列表不是你想要的,那么从列表中解析你想要的列表肯定更容易,然后是一个nltk树。

this link的代码和详细信息;查看更多信息


def wordextractor(tuple1):

    #bring the tuple back to lists to work with it
    words, tags, pos = zip(*tuple1)
    words = list(words)
    pos = list(pos)
    c = list()
    while i<= len(tuple1)-1:
        #get words with have pos B-PERSON or I-PERSON
        if pos[i] == 'B-PERSON':
            c = c+[words[i]]
        elif pos[i] == 'I-PERSON':
            c = c+[words[i]]

    return c


修改添加了输出文档字符串 **编辑*仅为B-Person添加输出

答案 5 :(得分:1)


import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('en')

doc = nlp('WASHINGTON -- In the wake of a string of abuses by New York police officers in the 1990s, Loretta E. Lynch, the top federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, spoke forcefully about the pain of a broken trust that African-Americans felt and said the responsibility for repairing generations of miscommunication and mistrust fell to law enforcement.')

print([ent for ent in doc.ents])

>>> [WASHINGTON, New York, the 1990s, Loretta E. Lynch, Brooklyn, African-Americans]

答案 6 :(得分:1)


import nltk   
my_sent = "WASHINGTON -- In the wake of a string of abuses by New York police officers in the 1990s, Loretta E. Lynch, the top federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, spoke forcefully about the pain of a broken trust that African-Americans felt and said the responsibility for repairing generations of miscommunication and mistrust fell to law enforcement."

word = nltk.word_tokenize(my_sent)   
pos_tag = nltk.pos_tag(word)   
chunk = nltk.ne_chunk(pos_tag)   
NE = [ " ".join(w for w, t in ele) for ele in chunk if isinstance(ele, nltk.Tree)]   
print (NE)