smoothstate.js要求触发ajax调用的链接位于包含要更新内容的#main div中。但是,我需要标题和里面的链接保持从内容交换中省略,最好只重新加载指定的.content div中的内容。
有没有办法,使用smoothstate.js,以防止重新加载标题链接,尽管要求它们位于刷新的#main div内?
我有想法将内容div与onReady函数中返回的$ newContent对象分开。但是,虽然我能够分离出指定的div,但将返回的对象传递给html失败。
(function header_init() {
anchors: 'a',
blacklist: '.no-ajax',
prefetch: true,
cacheLength: 4,
repeatDelay: 500,
onStart: {
duration: 300,
render: function ($container) {
onReady: {
duration: 300,
// `$container` is a `jQuery Object` of the current smoothState container
// `$newContent` is a `jQuery Object` of the HTML that should replace the existing container's HTML.
render: function ($container, $newContent) {
// Update the HTML on the page
var content = $($newContent).find('.main-content');
// $container.html($newContent);
onAfter: function ($container, $newContent) {
// after page loads, all scripts must be re-initialize to account for any new DOM items