C2=FIND("ABC", A2)
D2=FIND(" ", A2, C2)
E2=MID(A2, C2, D2)
C2=FIND({"ABC", "DDA", "GHF", "AH"}, A2)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
假设您的Tire Pressure ABC123873 Monitor
=MID(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",";",1)," ","-",1),SEARCH("ABC",SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",";",1)," ","-",1)),SEARCH(" ",SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",";",1)," ","-",1))-SEARCH("ABC",SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ",";",1)," ","-",1)))
。 (注意,如果有多于两个的空格,这将遇到问题)。然后,我只使用Mid
开始提取单元格的一部分,直到它到达空间。如果你没有" ABC"启动所需的值,您需要调整Search("ABC"...
答案 1 :(得分:0)
This is how I would do it. I created a list of prefixes to search in column G. You could even put them on a separate page to keep it cleaner.
=MID(A1,FIND(G1:G2,A1,1),FIND(" ", A1, FIND(G1:G2, A1, 1))-FIND(G1:G2,A1,1))
I only tested two prefixes but just change G1:G2
to G1:G10
and put all you prefixes in them. The formula looks in A1. The first FIND
finds the beginning character number. The rest of the equation is calculating the end of the product number minus the beginning which returns the amount of characters to return. Its important to know that MID
isn't wanting the beginning and end character. It wants the beginning character and the number of characters after that to return. So FIND(" ", FIND(G1:G2, A1, 1))
does not work as it returns too many characters. Give it a try.
Oh and don't forget to do Ctrl+Shift+Enter
to enter the array formula
The VBA answer would be
Sub findProductCode()
' Variable Declarations
Dim productName As String
Dim productArray() As String
Dim wordCount As Integer
' Sets the active sheet to use
' Change Sheet1 to the name of your sheet
With Sheets("Sheet1")
' Selects the first cell to check
' Change A1 to the first cell with data
' Loops through all rows until an empty row
' It will end if you have any empty rows in the midle of data
Do Until IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
' Reads text out of the cell
'Change A to the proper column
productName = Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row).Text
' Splits the string into individual words
productArray = Split(productName, " ")
' Loops through array to find the product number
For wordCount = LBound(productArray) To UBound(productArray)
' Check if the word has the desired 10 prefixes
' Add more Or Left(productArray(wordCount), 3) = "xxx" until you have 10 of your prefixes you need
If Left(productArray(wordCount), 3) = "ABC" Or Left(productArray(wordCount), 3) = "GHF" Then
' Sends the product number to its cell
' Change B to the correct destination Cell
Range("B" & ActiveCell.Row).Value = productArray(wordCount)
End If
' Increments the active cell to the next cell down
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End With
End Sub
If you don't know how, you need to enable the developer tab in excel. File->Options->Customize Ribbon
Add the Developer to the Ribbon. The save your worksheet as .xlsm
It is the macro enabled workbook. Then go to the developer tab, Choose "Visual Basic" and double click "ThisWorkBook". Paste the code in. You can run the code from there for a one time deal or you can create a button on the sheet that you can run this macro whenever you want.
To add a button, go back to the sheet you want the button on. On the developer tab select Insert
and choose the first form control Button
. Draw the button on your sheet and a dialog box will appear. select the findProductCode
macro and select OK. Now every time you click the button it will run the macro.