
时间:2015-07-31 16:45:06

标签: ruby-on-rails deployment capistrano bundler rvm-capistrano

我项目的最新分支包括基于升级到Bundler 1.10.5的Gemfile更改,特别是对两个内部gem使用源块。这似乎是尝试部署到测试服务器时出现问题的原因,其中capistrano引发错误并回滚部署。


You are trying to install in deployment mode after changing
your Gemfile. Run `bundle install` elsewhere and add the
updated Gemfile.lock to version control.

You have deleted from the Gemfile:
* internal_gem1 (= 0.1.11)
* internal_gem2 (= 0.0.6)

You have changed in the Gemfile:
* internal_gem1 from `no specified source` to `rubygems repository

http://rubygems.org/, https://REDACTED@gem.fury.io/me/`
* internal_gem2 from `no specified source` to `rubygems repository
http://rubygems.org/, https://REDACTED@gem.fury.io/me/`



source 'http://rubygems.org' source 'https://REDACTED@gem.fury.io/me/' do gem 'internal_gem1', '0.1.11' #, :path => '/path/to/gem/optional' gem 'internal_gem2', '0.0.6' end gem "bundler", "~> 1.7" ... # more gems and some groups follow ... BUNDLED WITH 1.10.5 包含以下行:

gem install bundler -v '1.10.5'

基于常识和对this answer的评论,我尝试在测试服务器上运行gem which bundler,它似乎已安装(安装消息显示成功,Gemfile返回路径包含新版本号),但部署错误没有变化。

在git中跟踪Gemfile.lockvendor/cache,并将其部署到服务器(根据this answer)。没有"^"目录(根据this answer)。一切都在本地顺利进行,并且几个小时前在Gemfile中没有源块的分支部署顺利进行。如何修复此Bundler部署问题?

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