如何从SharePoint 2010 Web服务获取listitems异步

时间:2015-07-31 09:08:56

标签: c# web-services sharepoint asynchronous sharepoint-2010

我正在用C#开发一个Web api。在Webapi中,我调用了一个SharePoint Web服务。


 //create listservice instance
            var listService = GetListService();
            //Get the listName and rowlimit
            string rowLimit = MaxItemsList;

            //Create elements for the faq list
            XmlElement query = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Query");
            XmlElement viewFields = xmlDoc.CreateElement("ViewFields");
            XmlElement queryOptions = xmlDoc.CreateElement("QueryOptions");
            var sPList = listService.GetList(listName);
            if (sPList != null)
                //get the faq items
                return listService.GetListItems(listName, string.Empty,   query, viewFields, rowLimit,
                    queryOptions, null);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

当然,SharePoint Web Services方法可以异步调用 ,以下示例演示了如何转换示例:

using (var listService = GetListService(webUri,userName,password))
     listService.GetListAsync(listName, listName);
     listService.GetListCompleted += ProcessListResult;


    static void ProcessListResult(object sender, GetListCompletedEventArgs e)
        var proxy = sender as Contoso.Lists;
        var listName = e.UserState as string;

        var xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
        var ndQuery = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Query");
        var ndViewFields = xmlDoc.CreateElement("ViewFields");
        var ndQueryOptions = xmlDoc.CreateElement("QueryOptions");
        proxy.GetListItemsAsync(listName, null, ndQuery, ndViewFields, null, ndQueryOptions, null);
        proxy.GetListItemsCompleted += ProcessListItemsResult;

    static void ProcessListItemsResult(object sender, GetListItemsCompletedEventArgs e)
        //omitted for clarity...