
时间:2015-07-29 17:41:50

标签: .net vb.net insert

 Private Sub InsertMisclAddInTranCons()
    'Insert the Debit/Credit tran of Miscl Exp into the Tran Consolidated table under the Sale voucher group header//:
    Dim SQLTranCons As String = "Select * From TranConsolidated"
    Dim DATranCons As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
    Dim DSTranCons As New DataSet

    Dim TCNewRowDebit As DataRow
    Dim TCNewRowCredit As DataRow

    DATranCons = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(SQLTranCons, Con)
    DATranCons.Fill(DSTranCons, "DSTranConsHere")

    'Dim Row As DataRow
    Dim I As Integer

    ' MsgBox(DSMisclExpDetTemp.Tables(0).Rows.Count)
    For I = 0 To DSMisclExpDetTemp.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
        Dim SQLDebitMax As String = "SELECT Max(TranConsolidated.ID) AS MaxOfID FROM TranConsolidated;"
        Dim DADebitMax As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
        Dim DSDebitMax As New DataSet
        Dim DebitMax As Double

        DADebitMax = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(SQLDebitMax, Con)
        DADebitMax.Fill(DSDebitMax, "DSDebitMaxHere")
        DebitMax = DSDebitMax.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(0)

         For Each Row In DSMisclExpDetTemp.Tables(0).Rows
        TCNewRowDebit = DSTranCons.Tables(0).NewRow
        With TCNewRowDebit    'This block will create the debit row//
            .Item(0) = DebitMax + 1
            If txtIfEditingSaved.Text = "" Then
                .Item(1) = txtTranNo.Text   
                .Item(1) = txtIfEditingSaved.Text  
            End If
            .Item(2) = txtInvNumber.Text
            .Item(3) = dtpSaleInvoice.Value
            .Item(4) = txtComboAccount.Text     'Inserts the Debit account selected in the voucher
            .Item(5) = DSMisclExpDetTemp.Tables(0).Rows(I).Item(2)  'Amount is entered here
            .Item(6) = DSMisclExpDetTemp.Tables(0).Rows(I).Item(4)   'This is the opposite account ID which will be used for the ledger display from TranConsolidated.
            .Item(10) = 2   'This is a sub transaction of sales tran
            .Item(11) = frmAddMisclinSale.txtTranSubType.Text
        End With

        'Credit Entry===
        'Get the max ID for credit//:
        Dim SQLCreditMax As String = "SELECT Max(TranConsolidated.ID) AS MaxOfID FROM TranConsolidated;"
        Dim DACreditMax As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
        Dim DSCreditMax As New DataSet
        Dim CreditMax As Double

        DACreditMax = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter(SQLCreditMax, Con)
        DACreditMax.Fill(DSCreditMax, "DSCreditMaxHere")
        CreditMax = DSCreditMax.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(0)

        TCNewRowCredit = DSTranCons.Tables(0).NewRow
        With TCNewRowCredit
            .Item(0) = CreditMax + 1
            If txtIfEditingSaved.Text = "" Then
                .Item(1) = txtTranNo.Text   
                .Item(1) = txtIfEditingSaved.Text    'THIS NUMBER IS INCORRECTLY INSERTED.Check
            End If
            .Item(2) = txtInvNumber.Text
            .Item(3) = dtpSaleInvoice.Value
            .Item(7) = DSMisclExpDetTemp.Tables(0).Rows(I).Item(4)
            .Item(8) = DSMisclExpDetTemp.Tables(0).Rows(I).Item(2)  'Amount is entered here
            .Item(9) = txtComboAccount.Text  '  'This is the opposite account ID which will be used for the ledger display from TranConsolidated. 'Inserts the Debit account selected in the voucher
            .Item(10) = 2   'This is a sub transaction of sales tran
            .Item(12) = frmAddMisclinSale.txtTranSubType.Text
        End With
        '  Loop
    Next I

End Sub

在上面的代码中,我必须将一些项目保存到表中(TranConsolidated)。根据其他表中的记录数,我计算表中的行,然后多次运行循环。 请注意,在目标表(TranConsolidated)中,我必须创建不是AutoNumber的主数据库,并通过获取表中最后一条记录的最大数量然后向其中添加1来获取每个新密钥。

但是,我得到一个" Insert Into"语法错误。注意我已经反复检查了表中的任何系统关键字并找到了none.Also,还有另一个地方可以保存到同一个表中没有任何问题。 即使在这里,我之前已经能够成功保存,但在设置代码以在每次迭代时插入新的主键时遇到了问题。


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