(setq standard-indent 2)
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
但是我从网上尝试过没有结束的建议配置,但没有一个完成他们所说的。 (API是否会不断变化?显然我正在使用GNU Emacs 23.1.1
答案 0 :(得分:7)
Emacs对处理缩进提供了非常灵活的支持。通常,您所处的模式决定了它们的工作方式 - 因此,如果您正在处理C文件,那么按Tab键的工作方式将与您处理Python文件时的方式不同。
所以它确实取决于你正在使用哪种模式,这将限制你得到的答案。在大多数情况下,我建议你不要反对它 - 对我来说,缩进行为是emacs的最佳功能之一。但是,您确实需要花时间为自己定制它。
我建议你通过自定义界面设置这些。如果使用“M-x customize-group RET C”,则可以看到C模式的各种设置。
答案 1 :(得分:4)
;; * Inserted "tabs" to be expanded into two spaces. Emacs stubbornly
;; sticks to eight, no matter what I do.
;; * Tabs (i.e. real \t characters) to be represented on screen by two
;; spaces.
(setq-default tab-width 2)
;; * Pressing TAB should insert a tab at the cursor rather than indent
;; the entire line. Currently, I press TAB anywhere and Emacs
;; destroys all whitespace at the start of the line; this is the
;; most infuriating thing so far.
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode t)
(mapcar (lambda (hooksym)
(add-hook hooksym
(lambda ()
(kill-local-variable 'indent-tabs-mode)
(kill-local-variable 'tab-width)
(local-set-key (kbd "TAB") 'self-insert-command))))
;; add other hook functions here, one for each mode you use :-(
;; How to know the name of the hook function? Well ... visit a file
;; in that mode, and then type C-h v major-mode RET. You'll see the
;; mode's name in the *Help* buffer (probably on the second line).
;; Then type (e.g.) C-h f python-mode; you'll see blather about the
;; mode, and (hopefully) somewhere in there you'll see (again e.g.)
;; "This mode runs the hook `python-mode-hook', as the final step
;; during initialization."
答案 2 :(得分:1)
(defun insert-tab ()
"self-insert-command doesn't seem to work for tab"
(insert "\t"))
(setq indent-line-function 'insert-tab) ;# for many modes
(define-key c-mode-base-map [tab] 'insert-tab) ;# for c/c++/java/etc.
(setq-default tab-width 2)