statsOut = open('/shared/succedentsupercedent_stats','w')
supercedents = tuple(open('/path', 'r'))
succedents = tuple(open('ABCD_.raw', 'r'))
for ( cols = 1 to succedents.columns , colg = 1 to supercedents.columns )
/**** load all users for one succedent/supercedent into an array for future stats
xy_array = new array ( supercedents.rows , 2 )
for ( user = 1 to supercedents.rows )
if succedents[user,cols].isValidDouble and supercedents[user,colg].isValidDouble
then do
xy_array [ user , 1 ] = succedents[user,cols].toDouble
xy_array [ user , 2 ] = supercedents[user,colg].toDouble
/*** do some stats with one succedent:supercedent key for all users
sumx = sum( of xy_array[1:supercedents.rows][1]
sumy = sum( of xy_array[1:supercedents.rows][2]
/*** output succedent,supercedent,sumx,sumy
答案 0 :(得分:1)
def main():
succedents = load_succedents('ABCD_reddob_cases.raw')
supercedents = load_supercedents('/shared/voom_e_plink_cases')
with open('/shared/succedentsupercedent_stats', 'w') as stats_out:
for cols in range(len(succedents[0])):
for colg in range(len(supercedents[0])):
xy_array = [[0] * 2 for _ in range(len(supercedents))]
for user in range(len(supercedents)):
s1, s2 = succedents[user][cols], supercedents[user][colg]
if is_valid_double(s1) and is_valid_double(s2):
xy_array[user] = to_double(s1), to_double(d2)
sumx = sum(row[0] for row in xy_array)
sumy = sum(row[1] for row in xy_array)
append(stats_out, cols, colg, sumx, sumy)
def load_supercedents(path):
with open(path) as file:
# perform whatever you need to do for loading the supercedents
# some sort of data conversion may need to take place here
supercedents = tuple(file)
return supercedents
def load_succedents(path):
with open(path) as file:
# perform whatever you need to do for loading the succedents
# some sort of data conversion may need to take place here
succedents = tuple(file)
return succedents
def is_valid_double(data):
# determine if the data is a valid double or not
return True or False
def to_double(data):
# convert the data into whatever a double happens to be
return data
def append(file, s, g, x, y):
# write the data to your file
print('cols = {s}, colg = {g}, sumx = {x}, sumy = {y}'.format(**locals()),
file=file, flush=True)
if __name__ == '__main__':
答案 1 :(得分:0)