
时间:2015-07-22 14:46:53

标签: javascript modernizr






<!doctype html>
  <title>JavaScript, Ajax and JSON: To Do List</title>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="toDoL14O2.css">
  <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true"></script>
  <script src="Modernizr.js"></script>  

      test: Modernizr.geolocation,
      yep: "L14O2geolocation.js",  
      nope: "L14O2noGeolocation.js"
      test: Modernizr.localstorage,
      yep: "L14O2localStorage.js",
      nope: "L14O2noLocalStorage.js",
      complete: function() {
  <h1>My To Do List</h1>
  <ul id="todoList">

  <!-- display the map//-->
  <div id="mapDiv">
   <h1>Where To Do It</h1>
   <div id="map">

<!--  display the search results //-->
  <div id="searchResults">
   <ul id="searchResultsList">

 <!--  display the search input //-->
   <legend>Search to do items</legend>
   <div class="tableContainer">
   <div class="tableRow">
    <label for="searchTerm">Search: </label>
        <input type="text" id="searchTerm" size="35"
               placeholder="search term">
  <div class="tableRow">
    <label for="searchButton"></label>
    <input type="button" id="searchButton" value="Search">

 <legend>Add a new to do item</legend>
 <div class="tableContainer">
 <div class="tableRow">
    <label for="task">Task: </label>
        <input type="text" id="task" size="35" placeholder="get milk">
 <div class="tableRow">
    <label for="who">Who should do it: </label>
        <input type="text" id="who" placeholder="Scott">
 <div class="tableRow">
            <label for="dueDate">Due Date:  </label>
        <input type="date" id="dueDate" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy">
 <div class="tableRow">
    <label for="submit"></label>
    <input type="button" id="submit" value="submit">

to JavaScript文件:

function Todo(id, task, who, dueDate, days, lat, lon) {
  this.id = id;
  this.task = task;
  this.who = who;
  this.dueDate = dueDate;
  this.done = false;
  this.days = days;
  this.lat = lat;
  this.lon = lon;

var todos = new Array();

var lat;
var lon;
console.log("Before Onload: " + lat + ", " + lon);

window.onload = init;
function init() {
 var submitButton = document.getElementById("submit");
 submitButton.onclick = getFormData;

 // get the search term and call the click handler
 var searchButton = document.getElementById("searchButton");
 searchButton.onclick = searchTodos;


function getTodoItems() {
  if (localStorage) {
    for (var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
        var key = localStorage.key(i);
        if (key.substring(0, 4) == "todo") {
            var item = localStorage.getItem(key);
            var todoItem = JSON.parse(item);
  else {
    console.log("Error: you don't have localStorage!");

function addTodosToPage() {
  var ul = document.getElementById("todoList");
  var listFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
   for (var i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) {
    var todoItem = todos[i];
    var li = createNewTodo(todoItem);

function addTodoToPage(todoItem) {
  var ul = document.getElementById("todoList");
  var li = createNewTodo(todoItem);

function createNewTodo(todoItem) {
  var li = document.createElement("li");
  li.setAttribute("id", todoItem.id);

  var spanTodo = document.createElement("span");
  spanTodo.innerHTML =
    todoItem.who + " needs to " + todoItem.task + " by " +   
     todoItem.dueDate + " at Lat: " + todoItem.lat + "  & Lon: " +  
      todoItem.lon + "Task has " + todoItem.days + " days until due";

   var spanDone = document.createElement("span");
    if (!todoItem.done) {
     spanDone.setAttribute("class", "notDone");
     spanDone.innerHTML = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
     else {
      spanDone.setAttribute("class", "done");
      spanDone.innerHTML = "&nbsp;&#10004;&nbsp;";

// add the click handler to update the done state
  spanDone.onclick = updateDone;

// add the delete link
  var spanDelete = document.createElement("span");
  spanDelete.setAttribute("class", "delete");
  spanDelete.innerHTML = "&nbsp;&#10007;&nbsp;";

// add the click handler to delete
  spanDelete.onclick = deleteItem;


  return li;

function getFormData() {
  var task = document.getElementById("task").value;
   if (checkInputText(task, "Please enter a task")) return;

   var who = document.getElementById("who").value;
   if (checkInputText(who, "Please enter a person to do the task"))  

   var date = document.getElementById("dueDate").value;
    if (checkInputText(date, "Please enter a due date")) return;

// later, process date here
//send date input to checkDate function, will validate correct format 
//and return value for how many days until due or how many days overdue.
   var numOfDays;

   var id = (new Date()).getTime();

//The findLocation function will call either the L14O2geolocation.js or 
//the L14O2noGeolocation.js files, using the Modernizr.js file to check 
//to see if geolocation is enabled, if so will display map where to do
//item is to be done and if not will return message no geolocation is 

//var lat;
//var lon;

findLocation(lat, lon);

  console.log("Return lat and long! " + lat + ", " + lon);

  var todoItem = new Todo(id, task, who, date, lat, lon);

// hide search results

function checkInputText(value, msg) {
  if (value == null || value == "") {
    return true;
  return false;

//Move this function to the L14O2localStorage.js and 
//14O2noLocalStorage.js files.
//function saveTodoItem(todoItem) {
//    if (localStorage) {
//        var key = "todo" + todoItem.id;
//        var item = JSON.stringify(todoItem);
//        localStorage.setItem(key, item);
//    }
//    else {
//        console.log("Error: you don't have localStorage!");
//    }

function updateDone(e) {
 var span = e.target;
 var id = span.parentElement.id;
 var item;
  for (var i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) {
    if (todos[i].id == id) {
        item = todos[i];
 if (item.done == false) {
    item.done = true;
    span.setAttribute("class", "done");
    span.innerHTML = "&nbsp;&#10004;&nbsp;";
 else if (item.done == true) {
    item.done = false;
    span.setAttribute("class", "notDone");
    span.innerHTML = "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;";
  var itemJson = JSON.stringify(item);
  var key = "todo" + id;
  localStorage.setItem(key, itemJson);

function deleteItem(e) {
  var span = e.target;
  var id = span.parentElement.id;

  // find and remove the item in localStorage
  var key = "todo" + id;

  // find and remove the item in the array
  for (var i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) {
    if (todos[i].id == id) {
        todos.splice(i, 1);

// find and remove the item in the page
  var li = e.target.parentElement;
  var ul = document.getElementById("todoList");

//clear map from page
  var map = document.getElementById("map");
  map.innerHTML = "";

// hide search results

// Search
 function searchTodos() {
  // new search, so clear previous results
  // get the text to search for
  var searchTerm = document.getElementById("searchTerm").value;
  var count = 0;
  // check all the todos in the list
  for (var i = 0; i < todos.length; i++) {
    var todoItem = todos[i];
    // make a regular expression to match the search term, regardless of 
    var re = new RegExp(searchTerm, "i");
    // try matching the expression with the task and the who from the to 
    //do item
    if (todoItem.task.match(re) || todoItem.who.match(re)) {
        // if we find a match, add the to do item to the search results
        // keep a count of the number of items we match
  // if we don't match any items, display "no results" 
  if (count == 0) {
      var ul = document.getElementById("searchResultsList");
      var li = document.createElement("li");
      li.innerHTML = "No results!";
  // show the search results

// add a search result to the search results list in the page
function addSearchResultToPage(todoItem) {
  var ul = document.getElementById("searchResultsList");
  var li = document.createElement("li");
  li.innerHTML =
    todoItem.who + " needs to " + todoItem.task + " by " +  

// clear the previous search results 
function clearSearchResultsList() {
  var ul = document.getElementById("searchResultsList");
  while (ul.firstChild) {

function hideSearchResults() {
  var div = document.getElementById("searchResults");
  div.style.display = "none";

function showSearchResults() {
  var div = document.getElementById("searchResults");
  div.style.display = "block";

function checkDate(date) {
  if (isValidDate(date) == false) {
  return false;
  console.log(date + " is a valid date");   
  return true;

function isValidDate(date) {
// Checks for the following valid date format of mm/dd/yyyy
// mm/dd/yyyy and yyyy/mm/dd

  var regEx1 = /^(\d{2,2})(\/)(\d{2,2})\2(\d{4}|\d{4})$/;
 // var regEx2 = /^(\d{1,2})(\/|-)(\d{1,2})(\/|-)(\d{4})$/;
 //if (date != "" && date.match(regEx1) && date.match(regEx2) )
 if (date != "" && date.match(regEx1)) {
  alert("Invalid Date Format: " + date);
  return false;
 return true;  

//Function to calculate the number of days until an item is either due
//or overdue.
function calculateDays(date) {
 var today = new Date();
 var d1 = today.getTime();
 var dateIn = new Date(date);
 var d2 = dateIn.getTime();
 var year = today.getFullYear();
 var month = today.getMonth()+1;
 var day = today.getDate();
 var time = today.getTime();

 var total = parseInt((d1-d2)/(24*3600*1000));
 console.log("Total: " + total); 
 return total; 


 //If geolocation is found by Modernizr the map where the to do item is 
 //to be completed will be displayed in the mapDiv on the page.
 function findLocation(lat, lon) {
  console.log("In Geolocation");

function displayLocation(position) {
  var map = null;

  latitude = position.coords.latitude;
  longitude = position.coords.longitude;

  lat = latitude;
  lon = longitude;

  console.log("Lat: " + lat + " Lon: " + lon);

  if (!map) {
    showMap(latitude, longitude);
  addMarker(latitude, longitude);
  return(lat, lon); 

function showMap(lat, long) {
  var googleLatLong = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, long);
  var mapOptions = {
    zoom: 12,
    center: googleLatLong,
    mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
  var mapDiv = document.getElementById("map");
  map = new google.maps.Map(mapDiv, mapOptions);

function addMarker(lat, long) {
  var googleLatLong = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, long);
  var markerOptions = {
    position: googleLatLong,
    map: map,
    title: "Task Location"
 var marker = new google.maps.Marker(markerOptions);

noGeolocation JavaScript文件:

//If geolocation is not found by Modernizr a message will be displayed 
//in the console and on the page showing that geolocation is not enabled.
function findLocation() {
  var mapDiv = document.getElementById("map");
  mapDiv.innerHTML = "Geolocation is not enabled on this browser.";
  console.log("Geolocation is not enabled on this browser.");

localStorage JavaScript文件:

//If localStorage is found by Modernizr the to do item will be stored in 
//localStorage and message displayed in the console.
function saveToDoItem(todoItem) {
  var key = "todo" + todoItem.id;
  var item = JSON.stringify(todoItem);
  localStorage.setItem(key, item);
  console.log("Item: " + key + ", " + item + " stored in local storage");

noLocalStorage JavaScript文件:

//If localStorage is found by Modernizr the to do item will be stored in 
//localStorage and message displayed in the console.
function saveToDoItem(todoItem) {
  var key = "todo" + todoItem.id;
  var item = JSON.stringify(todoItem);
  localStorage.setItem(key, item);
  console.log("Item: " + key + ", " + item + " stored in local storage");

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

首先,您需要从findlocation() JavaScript文件中删除toDo的代码。拨打findlocation()功能中的getFormData


function createNewTodo(todoItem) {
    var li = document.createElement("li");
    li.setAttribute("id", todoItem.id);
    var spanTodo = document.createElement("span");
    var daysUntilDue = calcDaysLeft(todoItem.dueDate);
    spanTodo.innerHTML = CallTodoStr(todoItem, daysUntilDue);


function CallTodoStr(todoItem, daysUntilDue) {
    var todoStr = "(" + todoItem.latitude + ", " + todoItem.longitude
                  + ") " + todoItem.who + " needs to " + todoItem.task
                  + " by " + todoItem.dueDate + "  " + daysUntilDue;
    return todoStr;