
时间:2015-07-21 15:10:46

标签: python


def merge_no_repeat(iter1, iter2, key=None):
    a = iter([(2, 'a'), (4, 'a'), (6, 'a')])
    b = iter([(1, 'b'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'b'), (4, 'b'), (5, 'b'), (6, 'b'), (7, 'b'), (8, 'b')])
    key = lambda item: item[0]
    fusion_no_repeat(a, b, key) ->
                iter([(1, 'b'), (2, 'a'), (3, 'b'), (4, 'a'), (5, 'b'), (6, 'a'), (7, 'b'), (8, 'b')])
    :param iter1: sorted iterator
    :param iter2: sorted iterator
    :param key: lambda get sorted key, default: lambda x: x
    :return: merged iterator
    if key is None:
        key = lambda x: x
    element1 = next(iter1, None)
    element2 = next(iter2, None)
    while element1 is not None or element2 is not None:
        if element1 is None:
            yield element2
            element2 = next(iter2, None)
        elif element2 is None:
            yield element1
            element1 = next(iter1, None)
        elif key(element1) > key(element2):
            yield element2
            element2 = next(iter2, None)
        elif key(element1) == key(element2):
            yield element1
            element1 = next(iter1, None)
            element2 = next(iter2, None)
        elif key(element1) < key(element2):
            yield element1
            element1 = next(iter1, None)

此功能有效。但我认为这太复杂了。是否可以使用 Python标准库使这个功能最简单?

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

pytoolz libraryan implementation。它看起来不像是使用任何非标准库函数,所以如果你真的不想包含一个外部库,你可能只需要复制代码。

如果您对速度感兴趣,那么还有cython implementation的pytoolz。

答案 1 :(得分:1)



class NextValueWrapper(object):
    def __init__(self, iterator):
        self.iterator = iterator
        self.next_value = None
        self.finished = False

    def get(self):
        if self.finished: return  # Shouldn't happen, maybe raise an exception
        value = self.next_value
            self.next_value = next(self.iterator)
        except StopIteration:
            self.finished = True
        return value


def merge(iter1, iter2, key=None):
    if key is None:
        key = lambda x: x

    wrap1 = NextValueWrapper(iter1)
    wrap2 = NextValueWrapper(iter2)

    while not (wrap1.finished and wrap2.finished):
        if (wrap2.finished or 
               (not wrap1.finished and 
                key(wrap1.next_value) <= key(wrap2.next_value))):
            yield wrap1.get()
            yield wrap2.get()

这是未经测试的。它重复了。出于习惯,它是Python 2。让它不重复是留给读者的练习,我没有注意到这也是一个要求...

答案 2 :(得分:0)


def merge_no_repeat(iter1, iter2, key=None):
    if key is None:
        key = lambda x: x
    ref = next(iter1, None)
    for elem in iter2:
        key_elem = key(elem) # caching value so we won't compute it for each value in iter1 that is before this one
        while ref is not None and key_elem > key(ref):
            # Catch up with low values from iter1
            yield ref
            ref = next(iter1, None)
        if ref is None or key_elem < key(ref):
            # Catch up with low values from iter2, eliminate duplicates
            yield elem
    # Update: I forgot to consume iter1 in the first version of this code
    for elem in iter1:
        # Use remaining items of iter1 if needed
        yield elem

我认为迭代器不会返回None值,除非完全耗尽,因为您在原始代码中进行了if element1 is None:elif element1 is None:测试。


>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> list(merge_no_repeat(
...     iter([(2, 'a'), (4, 'a'), (6, 'a')]),
...     iter([(1, 'b')]),
...     itemgetter(0)))
[(1, 'b'), (2, 'a'), (4, 'a'), (6, 'a')]
>>> list(merge_no_repeat(
...     iter([(2, 'a'), (4, 'a'), (6, 'a')]),
...     iter([(1, 'b'),(7, 'b'), (8, 'b')]),
...     itemgetter(0)))
[(1, 'b'), (2, 'a'), (4, 'a'), (6, 'a'), (7, 'b'), (8, 'b')]
>>> list(merge_no_repeat(
...     iter([(2, 'a'), (4, 'a'), (6, 'a')]),
...     iter([(1, 'b'),(3, 'b'), (4,'b'),(5,'b'),(7, 'b'), (8, 'b')]),
...     itemgetter(0)))
[(1, 'b'), (2, 'a'), (3, 'b'), (4, 'a'), (5, 'b'), (6, 'a'), (7, 'b'), (8, 'b')]