'watch'块看起来绝对正常,并且做了预期的事情。 Nodemon以检测文件更改和刷新服务器的方式工作,这也有效。
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gutil = require('gulp-util'); // For logging stats and warnings
var jshint = require('gulp-jshint'); // For checking JavaScript for warnings
var concat = require('gulp-concat'); // For joining together multiple files
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); // For minimising files
var coffee = require('gulp-coffee'); // For compiling coffee script into js
var cofLint = require('gulp-coffeelint');// For checking coffee script for errors
var less = require('gulp-less'); // For compiling Less into CSS
var cssLint = require('gulp-csslint'); // For checking the awesomeness of css
var minCss = require('gulp-minify-css');// For minifying css
var uncss = require('gulp-uncss'); // For deleting unused CSS rules
var footer = require('gulp-footer'); // For adding footer text into files
var nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon'); // For the super cool instant refreshing server
var bSync = require('browser-sync'); // Syncs the place between multiple browsers for dev
var es = require('event-stream'); // For working with streams rather than temp dirs
var sourcePath = "sources";
var destPath = "public";
var jsFileName = "all.min.js";
var cssFileName = "all.min.css";
var footerText = "";
/* JavaScript Tasks */
gulp.task('scripts', function(){
var jsSrcPath = sourcePath + '/javascript/**/*';
var jsResPath = destPath + '/javascript';
var jsFromCs = gulp.src(jsSrcPath+'.coffee')// Get all coffee script
.pipe(cofLint()) // Check CS for errors or warnings
.pipe(cofLint.reporter()) // Output the error results
.pipe(coffee()); // Convert coffee to vanilla js
var jsFromPlain = gulp.src(jsSrcPath+'.js');// get all vanilla JavaScript
return es.merge(jsFromCs, jsFromPlain) // Both js from cs and vanilla js
.pipe(jshint()) // Check js errors or warnings
.pipe(jshint.reporter('jshint-stylish')) // Print js errors or warnings
.pipe(concat(jsFileName,{newLine: ';'})) // Concatenate all files together
.pipe(uglify()) // Minify JavaScript
.pipe(footer(footerText)) // Add footer to script
.pipe(gulp.dest(jsResPath)); // Save to destination
/* CSS Tasks */
gulp.task('styles', function(){
var cssSrcPath = sourcePath + '/styles/**/*';
var cssResPath = destPath + '/stylesheet';
var cssFromLess = gulp.src(cssSrcPath+'.less') // Get all Less code
.pipe(less()); // Convert Less to CSS
var cssFromVanilla = gulp.src(cssSrcPath+'.css');// Get all CSS
return es.merge(cssFromLess, cssFromVanilla) // Combine both CSS
.pipe(cssLint()) // Check CSS for errors or warnings
.pipe(cssLint.reporter()) // And output the results
.pipe(concat(cssFileName)) // Concatenate all files together
.pipe(minCss({compatibility: 'ie8'})) // Minify the CSS
.pipe(gulp.dest(cssResPath)); // Save to destination
/* Configure files to watch for changes */
gulp.task('watch', function() {
gulp.watch(sourcePath+'/**/*.{js,coffee}', ['scripts']);
gulp.watch(sourcePath+'/**/*.{css,less}', ['styles']);
/* Start Nodemon */
gulp.task('demon', function () {
script: './bin/www',
ext: 'js coffee css less html',
env: { 'NODE_ENV': 'development'}
.on('start', ['watch'])//TODO: ERROR: watch is never called, even though start is called
.on('change', ['watch'])
.on('restart', function () {
/* Default Task */
gulp.task('default', ['demon']);
为什么会发生这种情况的任何建议? 我的Gulp文件有问题吗?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
gulp.task('nodemon', function (cb) {
var called = false;
return nodemon({
script: './bin/www',
watch: ['source/**/*']
.on('start', function onStart() {
if (!called) { cb(); }
called = true;
.on('restart', function onRestart() {
setTimeout(function reload() {
stream: false
}, 500);
gulp.task('browser-sync', ['nodemon', 'scripts', 'styles'], function () {
files: ['sources/**/*.*'],
proxy: 'http://localhost:3000',
port: 4000,
browser: ['google chrome']
gulp.watch(sourcePath+'/**/*.{js,coffee}', ['scripts']);
gulp.watch(sourcePath+'/**/*.{css,less}', ['styles']);
gulp.watch("sources/**/*").on('change', bSync.reload);
gulp.watch("views/**/*.jade").on('change', bSync.reload);
/* Default Task */
gulp.task('default', ['clean', 'browser-sync']);