它需要合理有效,因为我只有1.8GHz和许多图像。我知道使用NumPy你可以让PIL / Pillow比没有它更有效地处理图像,但我以前从未使用它。
答案 0 :(得分:10)
import numpy as np
def hist_norm(x, bin_edges, quantiles, inplace=False):
Linearly transforms the histogram of an image such that the pixel values
specified in `bin_edges` are mapped to the corresponding set of `quantiles`
x: np.ndarray
Input image; the histogram is computed over the flattened array
bin_edges: array-like
Pixel values; must be monotonically increasing
quantiles: array-like
Corresponding quantiles between 0 and 1. Must have same length as
bin_edges, and must be monotonically increasing
inplace: bool
If True, x is modified in place (faster/more memory-efficient)
x_normed: np.ndarray
The normalized array
bin_edges = np.atleast_1d(bin_edges)
quantiles = np.atleast_1d(quantiles)
if bin_edges.shape[0] != quantiles.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('# bin edges does not match number of quantiles')
if not inplace:
x = x.copy()
oldshape = x.shape
pix = x.ravel()
# get the set of unique pixel values, the corresponding indices for each
# unique value, and the counts for each unique value
pix_vals, bin_idx, counts = np.unique(pix, return_inverse=True,
# take the cumsum of the counts and normalize by the number of pixels to
# get the empirical cumulative distribution function (which maps pixel
# values to quantiles)
ecdf = np.cumsum(counts).astype(np.float64)
ecdf /= ecdf[-1]
# get the current pixel value corresponding to each quantile
curr_edges = pix_vals[ecdf.searchsorted(quantiles)]
# how much do we need to add/subtract to map the current values to the
# desired values for each quantile?
diff = bin_edges - curr_edges
# interpolate linearly across the bin edges to get the delta for each pixel
# value within each bin
pix_delta = np.interp(pix_vals, curr_edges, diff)
# add these deltas to the corresponding pixel values
pix += pix_delta[bin_idx]
return pix.reshape(oldshape)
from scipy.misc import lena
bin_edges = 0, 55, 200, 255
quantiles = 0, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0
img = lena()
normed = hist_norm(img, bin_edges, quantiles)
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def ecdf(x):
vals, counts = np.unique(x, return_counts=True)
ecdf = np.cumsum(counts).astype(np.float64)
ecdf /= ecdf[-1]
return vals, ecdf
x1, y1 = ecdf(img.ravel())
x2, y2 = ecdf(normed.ravel())
fig = plt.figure()
gs = plt.GridSpec(2, 2)
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0])
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 1], sharex=ax1, sharey=ax1)
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, :])
for aa in (ax1, ax2):
ax1.imshow(img, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
ax2.imshow(normed, cmap=plt.cm.gray)
ax3.plot(x1, y1 * 100, lw=2, label='Original')
ax3.plot(x2, y2 * 100, lw=2, label='Normalised')
for xx in bin_edges:
ax3.axvline(xx, ls='--', c='k')
for yy in quantiles:
ax3.axhline(yy * 100., ls='--', c='k')
ax3.set_xlim(bin_edges[0], bin_edges[-1])
ax3.set_xlabel('Pixel value')
ax3.set_ylabel('Cumulative %')