
时间:2015-07-16 16:00:26

标签: ember.js

我有一个'has-many'帮助器(感谢In an ember component template how can I use 'if' to check for at least one of an array having a property equal to X?中@GJK的帮助),它允许我在模板中检查一个级别的数组,以便在属性上匹配:


import Ember from 'ember';

// Param[0]: Array to iterate over
// Param[1]: Comparison operator to use, currently supports '===', '>', '<' and nested 'has-any'
// Param[2]: Value to check for
// (Optional) Param[3]: The property of the arrayObject to check, if this is not supplied the element of the array is checked directly

// Returns: True if array has at least one match to value

export function hasAny(params) {
  var compare = function(a, b, operator) {
    console.log(a + ' ' + b + ' ' + operator);
    if (operator === '===') {
      return a === b;
    if (operator === '>') {
      return a > b;
    if (operator === '<') {
      return a < b;

    return false;

  if (params.length < 3) {
    return false;

  if (params[0] === undefined || params[1] === undefined || params[2] === undefined) {
    return false;

  if (params.length === 3) {
    return params[0].any((item) => compare(item, params[2], params[1]));

  if (params[3] === undefined) {
    return false;

  return params[0].any((item) => compare(item.get(params[3]), params[2],     params[1]));


export default Ember.Helper.helper(hasAny);


notification.account.contacts.Any(c => c.communications.Any(cm => cm.communicationType.description === 'Email'));



import Ember from 'ember';

// Param[0]: Array to iterate over
// Param[1]: Comparison operator to use, currently supports '===', '>', '<' and nested 'has-any'
// Param[2]: Value to check for
// (Optional) Param[3]: The property of the arrayObject to check, if this is not supplied the element of the array is checked directly

// Returns: True if array has at least one match to value

export function hasAny(params) {
  var compare = function(a, b, operator) {
    console.log(a + ' ' + b + ' ' + operator);
    if (operator === '===') {
      return a === b;
    if (operator === '>') {
      return a > b;
    if (operator === '<') {
      return a < b;
    if (operator.lastIndexOf('has', 0) === 0) {
      var innerParams = operator.split('%');
      return hasAny(a, innerParams[1], innerParams[2], b);
    return false;

  if (params.length < 3) {
    return false;

  if (params[0] === undefined || params[1] === undefined || params[2] === undefined) {
    return false;

  if (params.length === 3) {
    return params[0].any((item) => compare(item, params[2], params[1]));

  if (params[3] === undefined) {
    return false;

  return params[0].any((item) => compare(item.get(params[3]), params[2],     params[1]));


export default Ember.Helper.helper(hasAny);


{{#if (has-any notification.account.contacts 'has-any%===%Email' 'communicationType.description' 'communications')}}

我遇到的问题是虽然模板知道一旦notification.account.contacts从API解决后再次触发帮助器,但是一旦每个联系人的通信都从API中断了,它就不知道再次出现 - 我怎么能强制模板/助手获得我的下一级承诺?

编辑1 这些是模型(略微剥离,但有关键字段):


Export default DS.Model.extend({
  orderNotificationType: DS.belongsTo('orderNotificationType', {async: true}),
  orderNotificationDetail: DS.attr('string'),
  sent: DS.attr('boolean'),
  account: DS.belongsTo('account', {async: true}),

模型/ account.js

export default DS.Model.extend({
  name: DS.attr('string'),
  accountType: DS.hasMany('accountType', {async: true}),
  contacts: DS.hasMany('contact', {async: true}),
  addresses: DS.hasMany('address', {async: true}),

模型/ contact.js

export default DS.Model.extend({
  title: DS.attr('string'),
  firstName: DS.attr('string'),
  lastName: DS.attr('string'),
  accounts: DS.hasMany('account', {async: true}),
  communications: DS.hasMany('communication', {async: true})

模型/ communication.js

export default DS.Model.extend({
  value: DS.attr('string'),
  communicationType: DS.belongsTo('communicationType', {async: true}),
  contact: DS.belongsTo('contact', {async: true})


export default DS.Model.extend({
  description: DS.attr('string'),
  communications: DS.hasMany('communication', {async: true})



{{#each notification.account.contacts as |contact index|}}
  {{#each contact.communications as |communication id|}}
    {{#if (has-any contact.communications '===' 'Email' 'communicationType.description' communication.communicationType.description)}}

通过进入每个并将第四个参数传递给has-any帮助器(未使用),所有的promise都得到了解决 - 我遇到的问题是<p>Working!</p>多次出现(因为任何通过多个联系人/通信多次满足。如果#each中有一种方法只在第一次满足if时才显示if块的内容,则此方法可以工作。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


communicationTypeDescription: Ember.computed.alias('communicationType.description')


communicationsAvailable: function() {
  var commsAvailable = [];
  this.get('communications').forEach(function(comm) {
  return commsAvailable.filter(function(value, index, ca) {
    return ca.indexOf(value) === index;


communicationsAvailable: function() {
  var commsAvailable = [];
  this.get('contacts').forEach(function(contact) {
    commsAvailable.push.apply(commsAvailable, contact.get('communicationsAvailable'));
  return commsAvailable.filter(function(value, index, ca) {
    return ca.indexOf(value) === index;



{{#if (has-any notification.account.communicationsAvailable '===' 'Email')}}