Public ReadOnly Property Inflations(ByVal K as String) As InflationRow
' look for K in the names
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Inflations(ByVal K as Integer) As InflationRow
' look for K in the keys
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Inflations(ByVal K as Object) As InflationRow
Return Inflations(K)
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Inflations(ByVal K as Object) As InflationRow
If TypeOf K Is String then
'do a string lookup on name
'try it on the key
end if
End Property
答案 0 :(得分:2)
测试一下,看看! : - )
Option Strict On
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim irc As New InflationRowCollection
For i As Integer = 0 To 4999
irc.InflationList.Add(New InflationRow With {.IntProperty = i, .StrProperty = i.ToString})
Next i
Dim t1 As Date = Now
For i As Integer = 0 To 4999
Dim ir1 As InflationRow = irc.Inflations(i)
Dim ir2 As InflationRow = irc.Inflations(i.ToString)
Next i
Dim t2 As Date = Now
For i As Integer = 0 To 4999
Dim ir1 As InflationRow = irc.InflationsObj(i)
Dim ir2 As InflationRow = irc.InflationsObj(i.ToString)
Next i
Dim t3 As Date = Now
Console.WriteLine("Typed property: " & (t2 - t1).TotalSeconds & " sec" & vbCrLf & "Object property: " & (t3 - t2).TotalSeconds & " sec")
End Sub
End Module
Class InflationRow
Property IntProperty As Integer
Property StrProperty As String
End Class
Class InflationRowCollection
Property InflationList As New List(Of InflationRow)
ReadOnly Property InflationsObj(o As Object) As InflationRow 'use different name for testing, so we can compare
If TypeOf o Is String Then
Return Inflations(DirectCast(o, String))
ElseIf TypeOf o Is Integer Then
Return Inflations(DirectCast(o, Integer))
Throw New ArgumentException
End If
End Get
End Property
ReadOnly Property Inflations(k As String) As InflationRow
For Each ir As InflationRow In InflationList
If ir.StrProperty = k Then Return ir
Return Nothing
End Get
End Property
ReadOnly Property Inflations(k As Integer) As InflationRow
For Each ir As InflationRow In InflationList
If ir.IntProperty = k Then Return ir
Return Nothing
End Get
End Property
End Class