输出" t"的printf和" maxpop"总是为世代和人口输出1。
Welcome to the population growth program...
What is the size of the container (in feet)?
Enter value --> 5
What is the nutrient level coefficient?
Enter value --> 3
What is the incubating temperature (in degree C.)
Enter value --> 33
maximum population reached after 1 generations
maximum population 1
Welcome to the population growth program...
What is the size of the container (in feet)?
Enter value --> 22
22 is an unacceptable value for this data...
The value must be between 1 and 8
Enter value --> 0
0 is an unacceptable value for this data...
The value must be between 1 and 8
Enter value --> 8
What is the nutrient level coefficient?
Enter value --> 4
4 is an unacceptable value for this data...
The value must be between 0 and 3
Enter value --> 3
What is the incubating temperature (in degrees C.)
Enter value --> 80
80 is an unacceptable value for this data...
The value must be between 20 and 54
Enter value --> 37
maximum population reached after 91 generations
maximum population 608637958121099264
maximum population reached after 30.33 hours
population reaches 0 after 181 generations
colony lived for 60.33 hours
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int readcont();
int readnutr();
int readtemp();
int getmaxpop(int, int, int, float, int*);
int main(){
int cont, nutr, temp;
int N, cont2, temp2, nutr2;
int t=1, maxpop;
float k=0;
printf("Welcome to the population growth program...\n");
printf("What is the size of the container (in feet)?\n");
cont = readcont();
printf("\nWhat is the nutrient level coefficient?\n");
nutr = readnutr();
printf("\nWhat is the incubating temperature (in degree C.)\n");
temp = readtemp();
printf("The feed is: %d \nThe nutrient level is: %d \nThe incubating temperature is: %d\n", cont, nutr, temp);
temp2 = abs(temp2 = 37 - temp);
nutr2 = 3 - nutr;
cont2 = 8 - cont;
maxpop = getmaxpop(cont2,nutr2,temp2,k,&t);
printf("maximum population reached after %d generations\n", t);
printf("maximum population %d\n", maxpop);
return 0;
int readcont(){
int x = 0;
while(x < 1 || x > 8){
printf("Enter value --> ");
scanf("%d", &x);
if(x < 1 || x > 8){
printf("%d is an unacceptable value for this data...\n", x);
printf("The value must be between 1 and 8\n");
return x;
int readnutr(){
int x;
while(x < 0 || x > 3){
printf("Enter value --> ");
scanf("%d", &x);
if(x < 0 || x > 3){
printf("%d is an unacceptable value for this data...\n", x);
printf("The value must be between 0 and 3\n");
return x;
int readtemp(){
int x;
while(x < 20 || x > 54){
printf("Enter value --> ");
scanf("%d", &x);
if(x < 20 || x > 54){
printf("%d is an unacceptable value for this data...\n", x);
printf("The value must be between 20 and 54\n");
return x;
int getmaxpop(int cont, int nutr, int temp, float k, int *t){
int maxpop = 1, currpop = 1;
for(*t =2 ; currpop < maxpop; *t++){
maxpop = currpop;
k = 0.005+(cont*0.003)+(nutr*0.004825)+(temp*0.001);
currpop = 1 * pow(2.71828, ((1 - k) * (*t)));
return maxpop;
return *t;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
int getmaxpop(int cont, int nutr, int temp, float k, int *t)
int maxpop = 1, currpop = 1;
for(;currpop < maxpop;)
// never happens because currpop is not less than maxpop
return maypop; // always returns 1