tl;dr I would like to take an array of datetime
s and using javascript (and any necessary erb tags), give all <a href>
s with one of those datetime
s in the url an <a class="inactive">
This is my first question asked on SO, so please bear with me.
I have 2 javascript objects that contain a bunch of links or <a href>
s to days in a calendar. One is a slick.js carousel that shows days of the week from Apr 5 to July 12. The other is a jquery ui datepicker. They both essentially contain the same set of links to localhost:3000/games?date=date
where date is in the format of e.g. 20150405. Each link shows a list of baseball games being played on that date.
However, I would like to make all <a href>
days with no games being played to have have the inactive class or <a class="inactive">
This is a Rails application, but my thinking is that I need to use javascript to accomplish this correctly, but using erb tags whenever necessary.
I guess I could start creating an array in my games_controller of all dates that have 0 games? But then how would I then make all <a href>
s with ?date='date_with_no_games'
to have <a class="inactive">
One other wrinkle is that the slick carousel goes by index. So in essence, start_date
= ?20150405
(Apr 5th) = data-slick-index="0"
. For example, in order for me to determine which index initialSlide
should be, I do this: data-slick='{"initialSlide": <%= (game_date.beginning_of_week - @start_date).to_i %>}'
. That way, the carousel always begins on the Monday of the week of the day I'm looking at (while the day I'm on is color-coded red in that carousel). I don't know if this wrinkle will affect the answer to this question, but I wanted to include it just in case.
Okay, now for some code to give more context.
Here is the js for each of those js objects (carousel & datepicker):
// Carousel
// Datepicker
$.datepicker._updateDatepicker_original = $.datepicker._updateDatepicker;
$.datepicker._updateDatepicker = function(inst) {
var afterShow = this._get(inst, 'afterShow');
if (afterShow)
afterShow.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null)); // trigger custom callback
$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({
showOn: "both",
buttonText: "<i class='fa fa-lg fa-calendar text-danger'></i>",
afterShow :function(){
var $dp=$("#ui-datepicker-div");
var $td=$(this).parents('td');
var month=parseInt($td.attr('data-month'));
var year=$td.attr('data-year')
var day=parseInt($(this).text());
if(month<10) month='0'+month;
if(day<10) day='0'+day;
var date=year+month+day;
$(this).attr('href','<%= request.base_url + '/games' %>?date='+date);
Here is the erb portion of the carousel (the datepicker is one measly line and not relevant):
<div class="carousel-week col-lg-4 col-lg-offset-4 col-md-4 col-md-offset-4 col-sm-4 col-sm-offset-4 col-xs-6 col-xs-offset-3" data-slick='{"slidesToShow": 7, "slidesToScroll": 7, "initialSlide": <%= (game_date.beginning_of_week - @start_date).to_i %>}'>
<% @schedule.each do |date| %>
<div><%= link_to games_path(date: date.strftime("%Y%m%d")), class: (date == game_date ? "red" : "") do %>
<%= date.strftime("%a") %> <span><%= date.strftime("%-d") %></span>
<% end %></div>
<% end %>
And my games_controller
in case you need that as well:
class GamesController < ApplicationController
def index
@games = Game.where(game_date: game_date.to_date)
distinct_dates = Game.reorder("game_date").select("game_date").distinct
@start_date = distinct_dates.first.game_date.to_date
end_date = distinct_dates.last.game_date.to_date
@schedule = @start_date..end_date
def game_date
if params[:date].present?
date = Date.strptime(params[:date], "%Y%m%d")
date = ( - 9.hours).to_date
helper_method :game_date
Thank you very much! (I'm a beginner, so sorry for the ugly code and long question!)
答案 0 :(得分:0)
var availableDate = <%= @distinct_dates.collect { |c| c.strftime('%Y%m%d') }.to_json.html_safe %>
$.datepicker._updateDatepicker_original = $.datepicker._updateDatepicker;
$.datepicker._updateDatepicker = function(inst) {
var afterShow = this._get(inst, 'afterShow');
if (afterShow)
afterShow.apply((inst.input ? inst.input[0] : null)); // trigger custom callback
$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({
defaultDate: new Date(<%= game_date.to_time.to_i * 1000 %>),
showOn: "both",
buttonText: "<i class='fa fa-lg fa-calendar text-danger'></i>",
afterShow :function(){
var $dp=$("#ui-datepicker-div");
var $td=$(this).parents('td');
var month=parseInt($td.attr('data-month'));
var year=$td.attr('data-year')
var day=parseInt($(this).text());
if(month<10) month='0'+month;
if(day<10) day='0'+day;
var date=year+month+day;
if ($.inArray(date, availableDate) >= 0){
$(this).attr('href','<%= request.base_url + '/games' %>?date='+date);
} else {
var href = $(this).attr('href');
if (href == '#') {
return false
} else {
module GamesHelper
def class_for_game_link(date, dates_with_games)
class_name = []
class_name << 'inactive' unless dates_with_games.include?(date)
class_name << 'red' if date == game_date
class_name.join(' ')
<div class="carousel-week col-lg-4 col-lg-offset-4 col-md-4 col-md-offset-4 col-sm-4 col-sm-offset-4 col-xs-6 col-xs-offset-3" data-slick='{"slidesToShow": 7, "slidesToScroll": 7, "initialSlide": <%= (game_date.beginning_of_week - @start_date).to_i %>}'>
<% @schedule.each do |date| %>
<% if @distinct_dates.include?(date) %>
<%= link_to games_index_path(date: date.strftime("%Y%m%d")), class: class_for_game_link(date, @distinct_dates) do %>
<%= date.strftime("%a") %> <span><%= date.strftime("%-d") %></span>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%= date.strftime("%a") %> <span><%= date.strftime("%-d") %></span>
<% end %>
<% end %>