
时间:2015-07-08 10:45:05

标签: javascript

函数是JavaScript中的第一类对象 - 但如何与new结合使用?


fetch.proxy = ''


a = new Fetch(host, username) 

a(path1) // fetches username@host/path1

a(path2) // fetches username@host/path2


以下方法不起作用,因为应用new返回一个对象(所以get TypeError: object is not a function)。

var Fetch = function(a, b){

    if ( (this instanceof arguments.callee) ){
        //called as constructor
        this.host = a
        this.username = b;
        this.host = 'localhost'

    } else {

   //called as function
   console.log("Fetching "+this.username+'@'+this.host+a);

a = new Fetch('host', 'username') 

a('/path1') // TypeError: object is not a function

a('/path2') // TypeError: object is not a function

我一直在根据http://tobyho.com/2010/11/22/javascript-constructors-and/What it the significance of the Javascript constructor property?使用Fetch.prototype.constructor,但必须承认我已开始质疑它是否可行。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



这样做没有意义。 new Foo所做的就是创建一个继承自Foo.prototype的新对象。但是,目前不可能从Function.prototype以外的原型继承某些函数,因此使用new Something创建函数没有任何优势。


var Fetch = function(host, username){
  function fetch(path) {
     console.log("Fetching " + fetch.username + '@' + fetch.host + path);
  fetch.username = username;
  fetch.host = host;
  return fetch;

现在您可以使用或不使用Fetch ** 来致电new,但这没有什么区别:

var a = Fetch(host, username);
// same as
var a = new Fetch(host, username);


这样可以在创建后通过a.username = 'something else';等更改主机或用户名。如果您不想这样做,只需将fetch.username更改为username


答案 1 :(得分:0)


const Fetch = function (host, user)
  var fetch // new instance of function, relay to model
  fetch = function(path) {
    // note we use the closure on instance 'fetch'
    return Fetch.model.apply(fetch, arguments)
  // 'setPrototypeOf' is not as borderline as '__proto__',
  // but it has some caveats anyway. Check for example MDN
  // about this.
  Object.setPrototypeOf(fetch, Fetch.model)

  if (host) fetch.host     = host
  if (user) fetch.username = user
  return fetch

// we name 'model' here; it also works if we 
// say 'prototype' instead.
// It would have been both more meaningful and more confusing at the
// same time, as the prototype would not get used the standard way.
Fetch.model = function (path)
  console.log("Fetching " + this.username + '@' + this.host + path)
Fetch.model.host     = 'localhost'
Fetch.model.username = 'peter'

var fetch = new Fetch	// 'new' is not needed: can say '= Fetch()'
fetch.host = 'paradise'

See console output below