
时间:2015-07-08 06:47:21

标签: mysql vb.net

我想检索我选择的2个项目并将其放入标签中。 这是我的代码。

     With lCommand
            .Connection = connection
            .CommandText = "select pass from officememberprofile where usern = 'CSProfile1' or usern = 'CSProfile2'"
            lReader = .ExecuteReader
        End With
        With lReader
            While .Read
                Label4.Text = .Item(0)
                Label5.Text = .Item(1)
            End While
        End With

- 预期结果:label4.text应包含CSPass1,label5.text应包含CSPass2,但最终结果是错误的。它只是检索第一个项目。有人可以告诉我如何正确使用while循环并检索其各自标签中的2个项目。谢谢

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With lCommand
    .Connection = connection
    .CommandText = "select pass from officememberprofile where usern = 'CSProfile1' or usern = 'CSProfile2'"
        lReader = .ExecuteReader
End With

Dim x As New Stack(Of String)

With lReader
    While .Read
    End While
End With

Label4.Text = x.Pop()
Label5.Text = x.Pop()