在这个阶段,我遇到的问题可能是因为我要么错误地理解POP,要么Swift 2.0 Betas没有创建一个真正的面向协议的框架(不太可能 - 如果有的话)可能会误解POP的某些方面。
面向协议的编程是不到一个月前向全世界介绍的一种全新的编程范式,因此没有太多关于它的书面内容(我在该主题上发现的only tutorial没有解决问题我有,WWDC视频也没有。)
protocol MediaType : Equatable {
/// MARK: - Properties
/// The ID of the media, as assigned by MyAnimeList.
var ID: Int { get }
/// The title of the media.
var title: String { get }
/// Other titles by which this anime may be commonly known (only available in details requests).
var otherTitles: (synonyms: [String], english: [String], japanese: [String])? { get }
/// The global ranking of the title (only available in anime details requests).
var rank: Int? { get }
/// Rank of the title based on popularity (number of people adding title to the list) (only available in details requests).
var popularityRank: Int? { get }
/// URL to a representative image of the title. Usually a "cover" image.
var imageURL: String { get }
/// A list of adaptations of this media, or other media on which this media is based (only available in details requests).
var adaptations: Relationships { get }
/// The user's rating of the media.
var memberScore: Float { get }
/// Number of MyAnimeList members that that added the title to their list (only available in details requests).
var membersCount: Int? { get }
/// The number of MyAnimeList members that have this title on their favorites list (only available in details requests).
var favoritedCount: Int? { get }
/// A short HTML-formatted description of the media.
var synopsis: String { get }
/// A list of genres for this title (only available in details requests).
var genres: [String]? { get }
/// Popular tags for the title as assigned by MyAnimeList members (only available in details requests).
var tags: [String] { get }
struct Anime : MediaType {
/// MARK: - MediaType
/// Compares two Anime_ objects. Two Anime_ objects are considered equal when they have the same ID and title.
func ==(lhs: Anime, rhs: Anime) -> Bool {
return (lhs.ID == rhs.ID) && (lhs.title == rhs.title)
extension MediaType {
/// The ID of the media, as assigned by MyAnimeList.
let ID: Int
/// The title of the media.
let title: String
/// Other titles by which this anime may be commonly known (only available in details requests).
let otherTitles: (synonyms: [String], english: [String], japanese: [String])?
/// The global ranking of the title (only available in anime details requests).
let rank: Int?
/// Rank of the title based on popularity (number of people adding title to the list) (only available in details requests).
let popularityRank: Int?
/// URL to a representative image of the title. Usually a "cover" image.
let imageURL: String
/// A list of adaptations of this media, or other media on which this media is based (only available in details requests).
let adaptations: Relationships
/// The user's rating of the media.
let memberScore: Float
/// Number of MyAnimeList members that that added the title to their list (only available in details requests).
let membersCount: Int?
/// The number of MyAnimeList members that have this title on their favorites list (only available in details requests).
let favoritedCount: Int?
/// A short HTML-formatted description of the media.
let synopsis: String
/// A list of genres for this title (only available in details requests).
let genres: [String]?
/// Popular tags for the title as assigned by MyAnimeList members (only available in details requests).
let tags: [String]
struct Anime : MediaType {
/// MARK: - MediaType
/// The ID of the media, as assigned by MyAnimeList.
let ID: Int
/// The title of the media.
let title: String
/// Other titles by which this anime may be commonly known (only available in details requests).
let otherTitles: (synonyms: [String], english: [String], japanese: [String])?
/// The global ranking of the title (only available in anime details requests).
let rank: Int?
/// Rank of the title based on popularity (number of people adding title to the list) (only available in details requests).
let popularityRank: Int?
/// URL to a representative image of the title. Usually a "cover" image.
let imageURL: String
/// A list of adaptations of this media, or other media on which this media is based (only available in details requests).
let adaptations: Relationships
/// The user's rating of the media.
let memberScore: Float
/// Number of MyAnimeList members that that added the title to their list (only available in details requests).
let membersCount: Int?
/// The number of MyAnimeList members that have this title on their favorites list (only available in details requests).
let favoritedCount: Int?
/// A short HTML-formatted description of the media.
let synopsis: String
/// A list of genres for this title (only available in details requests).
let genres: [String]?
/// Popular tags for the title as assigned by MyAnimeList members (only available in details requests).
let tags: [String]
/// MARK: - Anime
所以我在这里重复一下我的问题:我是否误解了面向协议的编程,或者只要你使struct / class / enum符合它,你必须复制并粘贴特定于协议的逻辑,这是POP的缺点吗?
答案 0 :(得分:4)
我发布这个帖子已经有几个星期,但我相信Aaron Brager所说的是真的。
答案 1 :(得分:1)
protocol MediaType : Equatable {
var ID: Int { get }
var title: String { get }
struct Anime : MediaType {
// Implement the MediaType protocol
var ID : Int
var title : String
/// Compares two Anime_ objects. Two Anime_ objects are considered equal when they have the same ID and title.
func ==(lhs: Anime, rhs: Anime) -> Bool {
return (lhs.ID == rhs.ID) && (lhs.title == rhs.title)
let x = Anime(ID: 1, title: "title 1")
let y = Anime(ID: 2, title: "title 2")
let z = Anime(ID: 1, title: "title 1")
println(x == y) // false
println(x == z) // true