public void update() {
deltaTime = Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime();
timer += 1 * deltaTime;
if(endGame==false) { //when the game starts it works.
if (timer >= rTime) {
newEnemy0();//this is the method for spawning
timer -= rTime;
rTime = rFloat.nextInt(3) + 1 * 1f;
rPosition1 = rFloat.nextInt(700) + 1;
}/*when a certain thing happen endGame==true, then when I click a button it will be back to false but when I put it back to false nothing happens*/
//this is the newRnemy method basically it just creates a new sprite using pools.
public void newEnemy0(){
Sprite enemy= Pools.obtain(Sprite.class);
enemy.setPosition(rPosition1, 150);
//I just realized that endGame doesn't go back to false when I click a button:
playButton.addListener(new InputListener(){
public boolean touchDown(InputEvent event, float x, float y, int pointer, int button) {
return super.touchDown(event, x, y, pointer, button);
});// this code is not updated every frame.