SQL Server中的时区转换

时间:2015-06-29 18:41:00

标签: sql sql-server

我正在尝试使用以下查询来收集2015年5月的数据。列import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JLabel; import java.awt.Font; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; public class AddEquipment extends JPanel { private JTextField txtu2; private JTextField txtu3; private JTextField txtu4; private JTextField txtu5; private JTextField txtu6; private JButton btnu8; private JButton btnu9; //Back Button public AddEquipment() { setLayout(null); JLabel lblu8 = new JLabel("Add Equipment"); lblu8.setForeground(Color.WHITE); lblu8.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 16)); lblu8.setBounds(12, 13, 319, 33); add(lblu8); JLabel lblu3 = new JLabel("Name"); lblu3.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 13)); lblu3.setBounds(60, 91, 46, 14); add(lblu3); txtu2 = new JTextField(); txtu2.setColumns(10); txtu2.setBounds(221, 88, 377, 22); add(txtu2); JLabel lblu4 = new JLabel("Section"); lblu4.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 13)); lblu4.setBounds(60, 156, 69, 14); add(lblu4); txtu3 = new JTextField(); txtu3.setColumns(10); txtu3.setBounds(221, 153, 377, 22); add(txtu3); JLabel lblu5 = new JLabel("Type"); lblu5.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 13)); lblu5.setBounds(60, 221, 46, 14); add(lblu5); txtu4 = new JTextField(); txtu4.setColumns(10); txtu4.setBounds(221, 218, 377, 22); add(txtu4); JLabel lblu6 = new JLabel("Value"); lblu6.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 13)); lblu6.setBounds(60, 286, 46, 14); add(lblu6); txtu5 = new JTextField(); txtu5.setColumns(10); txtu5.setBounds(221, 283, 377, 22); add(txtu5); JLabel lblu7 = new JLabel("Amount"); lblu7.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.BOLD, 13)); lblu7.setBounds(60, 351, 69, 14); add(lblu7); txtu6 = new JTextField(); txtu6.setColumns(10); txtu6.setBounds(221, 348, 377, 22); add(txtu6); btnu8 = new JButton("Submit"); btnu8.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 13)); //btnu8.setBackground(Color.BLACK); // button color //btnu8.setBackground( new Color(0, 0, 0, 50) ); //opacity btnu8.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { } }); btnu8.setBounds(422, 534, 110, 30); add(btnu8); btnu9 = new JButton("Back"); btnu9.setFont(new Font("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, 13)); btnu9.setBounds(542, 534, 110, 30); add(btnu9); JLabel lblback3 = new JLabel(""); lblback3.setIcon(new ImageIcon("\\\\I-INTRA-03\\IIS-Lehre\\DAPRO-WF4.informatik.hs-ulm.de\\15\\group_together\\GUI_graphics\\background_panel.jpg")); lblback3.setBounds(0, 0, 664, 577); add(lblback3); } //Getter-Method for the Back Button "btnu9" public JButton getBackAddEquipment(){ return btnu9; } //Getter-Method for the "Submit" Button "btnu8" public JButton getAddEquipmentBtn(){ return btnu8; } public String getName() { return this.txtu2.getText(); } // method sets the string value of the textfield public void setName(String txtu2) { this.txtu2.setText(txtu2); } public String getSection() { return this.txtu3.getText(); } public void setSection(String txtu3) { this.txtu3.setText(txtu3); } public String getType() { return this.txtu4.getText(); } public void setType(String txtu4) { this.txtu4.setText(txtu4); } public String getValue() { return this.txtu5.getText(); } public void setValue(String txtu5) { this.txtu5.setText(txtu5); } public String getAmount() { return this.txtu6.getText(); } public void setAmount(String txtu6) { this.txtu6.setText(txtu6); } } created列,位于datetime,我想将其转换为UTC。因此,我正在使用PST函数。



( select count(ordernumber) as Orders , 
         sum(revenue)       as Revenue, 
         'Type1'            as OrderType,
         CAST( CAST( DATEPART(Month, DATEADD(hh,-7,created)) as varchar )
             + '/' + '1/'
             + CAST( DATEPART(Year, DATEADD(hh,-7,created))  as varchar)
             as Date ) as Date
  from ORDERS
  where orange = 1
    and custnum = '1234'
    and DATEADD(hh,-7,DATEADD(hh,-7,created)) between
              CAST('2015-05-01 00:00:00.000' as DateTime)
          and CAST('2015-05-31 23:59:59.999' as DateTime)
  group by CAST( CAST( DATEPART(Month, DATEADD(hh,-7,created)) as varchar )
               + '/' + '1/'
               + CAST( DATEPART(Year, DATEADD(hh,-7,created))  as varchar )
               as Date )



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


CAST('2015-05-31 23:59:59.999' as DateTime)

来自2016-06-01,因为DateTime类型的精确度为3.33 ms。不要使用BETWEEN,而是使用一面封闭并在另一面打开的表达式,例如:

x >= '2015-05-01' and x < '2015-06-01'




答案 1 :(得分:1)

您的between子句(如上所述)不正确,但您的代码......比它需要的更详细。您可能会发现以下内容更具表现力且更易于理解。在这里,我们使用Common Table Expression (CTE)创建本质上是虚拟视图的内容,其中包含我们需要的附加列:创建订单的月份的表示。我们将使用date值的约定,该日为该月的第1天。一旦我们拥有了它,那很容易:

declare @UTC_offset   int  = -8 -- PST is UTC-08:00, PDT is UTC-07:00
declare @report_month date = '2015-05-01' ,

  select * ,
         month_created_pst = dateadd(day,
                               1-day( convert(date , dateadd(hour , @UTC_offset,created ) ) ) ,
                               dateadd(hour , @UTF_offset , created ) 
  from ORDERS
) as orders_local_time
select Orders    = count( t.ordernumber ) ,
       Revenue   = sum(   t.revenue     ) ,
       OrderType = 'Type1'              ,
       Date      = t.month_created_pst
from ORDERS t
where t.orange            =  1
  and t.custnum           =  '1234'
  and t.date_created_pst  >= @report_month
  and t.month_created_pst =  @report_month
group by t.month_created_pst