这是我想要完成的事情: 选择填充.ARW和.JPG文件的文件夹时运行脚本。遍历文件夹中的项目。如果当前项为.ARW,则再次从头开始遍历文件夹。如果此嵌套迭代落在具有相同文件名和JPG扩展名的文件上,请用红色标记原始ARW文件。
tell application "Finder"
set totalAlias to the entire contents of (selection as alias)
set totalCount to the count of items of totalAlias
set firstName to name of item 1 of totalAlias
set firstExtension to name extension of item 1 of totalAlias
set c to 1
repeat while c ≤ totalCount
set currentAlias to item c of totalAlias
set currentName to name of currentAlias
set currentExtension to name extension of currentAlias
if currentExtension is "ARW" then
set d to 1
set compareFile to currentAlias
set findName to currentName
set findExtension to currentExtension
repeat while d ≤ totalCount
if (name of item d of totalAlias = findName) and (name extension of item d of totalAlias is "JPG") then
tell application "Finder" to set label index of compareFile to 2
end if
set d to (d + 1)
end repeat
end if
set c to (c + 1)
end repeat
end tell
答案 0 :(得分:0)
tell application "Finder"
--Just get all the filenames of the target types:
set allJPG to the name of every file of (entire contents of (selection as alias)) whose name extension = "JPG"
set allARW to the name of every file of (entire contents of (selection as alias)) whose name extension = "ARW"
--Send the two lists to a handler to find all the common names
set targetJPGFiles to my CompareNames(allJPG, allARW)
--Loop through the common names, find the files, set the tags
repeat with eachTarget in targetJPGFiles
set fileToTag to (item 1 of (get every file of (entire contents of (selection as alias)) whose name is (eachTarget as text)))
set label index of fileToTag to 2
end repeat
end tell
targetJPGFiles -- This allows you to see the filenames that SHOULD have been tagged
to CompareNames(jp, pn)
--First, get rid of all the extensions in the ARW files
set cleanARWNames to {}
set neededJPGNames to {}
repeat with eachARWName in pn
set end of cleanARWNames to characters 1 thru -5 of (eachARWName as text) as text
end repeat
--Now, loop through JPG names to find a match
repeat with eachjpgName in jp
set searchName to characters 1 thru -5 of (eachjpgName as text) as text
if cleanARWNames contains searchName then
set end of neededJPGNames to (eachjpgName as text)
end if
end repeat
return neededJPGNames
end CompareNames
之前我从未在Finder中使用过label index