
时间:2015-06-11 21:38:13

标签: scala concurrency mapreduce akka





import akka.actor.{Props, Actor}

case class Tagged[T](value: T, id: Int)

class A extends Actor {
  import C1._
  import C2._

  val c1 = context.actorOf(Props[C1], "C1")
  val c2 = context.actorOf(Props[C2], "C2")
  var uid = 0
  var c1Results = Map[Int, Int]()
  var c2Results = Map[Int, Int]()

  def receive = {
    case n: Int => {
      c1 ! Tagged(n, uid)
      c2 ! Tagged(n, uid)
      uid += 1
    case Tagged(C1Result(n), id) => c2Results get id match {
      case None => c1Results += (id -> n)
      case Some(m) => {
        c2Results -= id
        context.parent ! (n, m)
    case Tagged(C2Result(n), id) => c1Results get id match {
      case None => c2Results += (id -> n)
      case Some(m) => {
        c1Results -= id
        context.parent ! (m, n)

class C1 extends Actor {
  import C1._

  def receive = {
    case Tagged(n: Int, id) => Tagged(C1Result(n), id)

object C1 {
  case class C1Result(n: Int)

class C2 extends Actor {
  import C2._

  def receive = {
    case Tagged(n: Int, id) => Tagged(C2Result(n), id)

object C2 {
  case class C2Result(n: Int)


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

对于许多(或不同数量)儿童演员而言,Zim-Zam建议的ask pattern将很快失控。

aggregator pattern旨在帮助解决这种情况。它提供了一个聚合器特征,您可以在actor中使用它来执行聚合逻辑。



下面列出了这种模式的一个示例,用于对由Child类表示的actor所持有的整数值求和。 (请注意,所有孩子都不需要由同一个父actor监督:SummationAggregator只需要一个ActorRef集合。)

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration._

import akka.actor._
import akka.contrib.pattern.Aggregator

object Child {
  def props(value: Int): Props = Props(new Child(value))

  case object GetValue
  case class GetValueResult(value: Int)

class Child(value: Int) extends Actor {
  import Child._

  def receive = { case GetValue => sender ! GetValueResult(value) }

object SummationAggregator {
  def props = Props(new SummationAggregator)

  case object TimedOut
  case class StartAggregation(targets: Seq[ActorRef])
  case object BadCommand
  case class AggregationResult(sum: Int)

class SummationAggregator extends Actor with Aggregator {
  import Child._
  import SummationAggregator._

  expectOnce {
    case StartAggregation(targets) =>
      // Could do what this handler does in line but handing off to a 
      // separate class encapsulates the state a little more cleanly
      new Handler(targets, sender())
    case _ =>
      sender ! BadCommand
      context stop self

  class Handler(targets: Seq[ActorRef], originalSender: ActorRef) {
    // Could just store a running total and keep track of the number of responses 
    // that we are awaiting...
    var valueResults = Set.empty[GetValueResult]

    context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(1.second, self, TimedOut)

    expect {
      case TimedOut =>
        // It might make sense to respond with what we have so far if some responses are still awaited...
        respondIfDone(respondAnyway = true)

    if (targets.isEmpty)
      targets.foreach { t =>
        t ! GetValue
        expectOnce {
          case vr: GetValueResult =>
            valueResults += vr

    def respondIfDone(respondAnyway: Boolean = false) = {
      if (respondAnyway || valueResults.size == targets.size) {
        originalSender ! AggregationResult(valueResults.foldLeft(0) { case (acc, GetValueResult(v)) => acc + v })
        context stop self


context.actorOf(SummationAggregator.props) ! StartAggregation(children)


答案 1 :(得分:5)

你可以在儿童演员身上使用?而不是! - 这将导致儿童演员返回Future他们的(最终)结果,即一切仍然是非阻止Await Future的结果。然后父作者可以组成这些Futures并将其发送给另一个演员 - 它已经知道每个Future's身份,因此您不必担心标记每条消息以便您可以稍后把它们放回原处。这是一个简单的示例,其中每个孩子返回一个随机Double,并且您希望将第一个孩子的返回值除以第二个孩子的返回值(即订单很重要)。 / p>

import scala.concurrent.duration._

import akka.actor.{Props, Actor}
import akka.pattern.{ask, pipe}
import akka.util.Timeout

class A extends Actor {
  val c1 = context.actorOf(Props[C], "C1")
  val c2 = context.actorOf(Props[C], "C2")

  // The ask operation involves creating an internal actor for handling 
  // this reply, which needs to have a timeout after which it is
  // destroyed in order not to leak resources; see more below.
  implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)

  def receive = {
    case _ => {
      val f1 = c1 ? "anything" // Future[Any]
      val f2 = c2 ? "anything" // Future[Any]
      val result: Future[Double] = for {
        d1 <- f1.mapTo[Double]
        d2 <- f2.mapTo[Double]
      } yield d1 / d2

class C extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case _ => // random Double