$sql = "SELECT id, filepath, filename, type FROM files ";
if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'filepath') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY filepath ASC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'filepathdesc') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY filepath DESC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'filename') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY filename ASC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'filenamedesc') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY filename DESC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'type') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY type ASC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'typedesc') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY type DESC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'id') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY id ASC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'iddesc') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY id DESC";
} else {
$query = "SELECT id, filepath, filename, type FROM files ORDER BY id";
if ($result = $db->query($query, MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT)) {
// Display records if they are in the db
if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
// Open table tag
echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='10'>";
// Set table headers
echo "<tr> "
. "<th>";
if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'iddesc') {
echo "<a href = '?orderby=id'>ID</a>";
} else {
echo "<a href = '?orderby=iddesc'>ID</a>";
echo "</th> "
. "<th>";
if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'filepath') {
echo "<a href = '?orderby=filepathdesc'>Filepath</a>";
} else {
echo "<a href = '?orderby=filepath'>Filepath</a>";
echo "</th> "
. "<th>";
if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'filename') {
echo "<a href = '?orderby=filenamedesc'>Filename</a>";
} else {
echo "<a href = '?orderby=filename'>Filename</a>";
echo "</th> "
. "<th>";
if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'type') {
echo "<a href = '?orderby=typedesc'>Type</a>";
} else {
echo "<a href = '?orderby=type'>Type</a>";
echo "</th> "
. "<th></th> "
. "</tr>";
// Loop through the results of the database query and display them in the table
while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
// Set a row for each record
echo "<tr>";
echo '<td>' . $row->id . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $row->filepath . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $row->filename . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $row->type . '</td>';
echo '<td><a href="deletefile.php?id=' . $row->id . '" onclick=\'javascript:return confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this file?"); \'>Delete</a></td>';
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
// Let user know if there are no records in the database
else {
echo "<p><b>No results to display!</b></p>";
$sql = "SELECT id, filepath, filename, type FROM files ";
if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'filepath') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY filepath ASC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'filepathdesc') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY filepath DESC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'filename') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY filename ASC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'filenamedesc') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY filename DESC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'type') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY type ASC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'typedesc') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY type DESC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'id') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY id ASC";
} else if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'iddesc') {
$query = $sql . "ORDER BY id DESC";
} else {
$query = "SELECT id, filepath, filename, type FROM files ORDER BY id";
if ($result = $db->query($query, MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT)) {
if ($result->num_rows != 0) {
$totalResults = $result->num_rows;
// ceil() returns the next highest integer value by rounding up if necessary
$total = ceil($totalResults / $pageSize);
// Check id the page variable is set in the URL (ex: pagedView.php?page=1
if (isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page'])) {
$showPage = $_GET['page'];
// Make sure that $showPage value is valid
if ($showPage > 0 && $showPage <= $total) {
$start = ($showPage - 1) * $pageSize;
$end = $start + $pageSize;
} else {
// Error: show first set
$start = 0;
$end = $pageSize;
} else {
// If page isn't set, show first set
$start = 0;
$end = $pageSize;
// Display navigation
echo "<p><a href='displayfiles.php'>View all</a> | <b>View page:</b> ";
for ($i = 1; $i <= $total; $i++) {
if (isset($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] == $i) {
echo $i . " ";
} else {
echo "<a href='displaypagedfiles.php?page=$i'>$i</a> ";
echo "</p>";
echo "<p><a href='fileupload.php'>Upload a new file</a></p>";
// Display data in table
echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='10'>";
echo "<tr> "
. "<th>";
if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'iddesc') {
echo "<a href = '?page=$i&orderby=id'>ID</a>";
} else {
echo "<a href = '?page=$i&orderby=iddesc'>ID</a>";
echo "</th> "
. "<th>";
if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'filepath') {
echo "<a href = '?page=$i&orderby=filepathdesc'>Filepath</a>";
} else {
echo "<a href = '?page=$i&orderby=filepath'>Filepath</a>";
echo "</th> "
. "<th>";
if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'filename') {
echo "<a href = '?page=$i&orderby=filenamedesc'>Filename</a>";
} else {
echo "<a href = '?page=$i&orderby=filename'>Filename</a>";
echo "</th> "
. "<th>";
if (isset($_GET['orderby']) && $_GET['orderby'] == 'type') {
echo "<a href = '?page=$i&orderby=typedesc'>Type</a>";
} else {
echo "<a href = '?page=$i&orderby=type'>Type</a>";
echo "</th> "
. "<th></th> "
. "</tr>";
// Loop through query results and display in tbale
for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
if ($i == $totalResults) {
// go to specific row
$row = $result->fetch_row();
// echo contents of each row in table
echo "<tr>";
echo '<td>' . $row[0] . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $row[1] . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $row[2] . '</td>';
echo '<td>' . $row[3] . '</td>';
echo '<td><a href="deletefile.php?id=' . $row[0] . '" onclick=\'javascript:return confirm("Are you sure you want to delete this file?"); \'>Delete</a></td>';
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
} else {
echo "No results to show!";
} else {
// If query error
echo "Error: " . $db->error;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
由于我正确理解您的代码,您正在尝试使用PHP而不是MySQL进行分页。 MySQL具有向服务器发送LIMIT
SELECT id, filepath, filename, type
FROM files
ORDER BY $your_sort_option
LIMIT $offset, $per_page
$page = (int) $_GET['page'];
$per_page = 10;
$offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page;