Unity 3d交互式图书设计

时间:2015-06-07 18:42:45

标签: c# unity3d 3d

我正在使用Unity 3d设计交互式书籍。 我有一些关于如何做到这一点的想法,但我不确定它是否是正确的方法。 这本交互式书籍包含大约15页,其中12页包含文本,一些用户可以触发的动画。 还有声音效果(例如风暴声,鸟鸣等)和背景音轨。在阅读文本期间,很可能会出现叙述者的声音,因为它本来是一个可访问的应用程序。(例如,盲人无法阅读,所以他们必须倾听)。 我一直在考虑以下设计:

每页创建一个场景。我们的想法是通过场景来表示每个页面,因此我们将有大约15个场景。 每个场景将包含声音效果,音轨,叙述者声音,书籍文本和可由用户触发的动画。 我们将连接场景,模拟书页的效果。 有一些问题,例如页面转换,到目前为止,我们不知道他们是否想要一些3D效果,但我可以使用Page Turn Curl或Page curler(Assets)。

有什么想法吗?这是设计此应用程序的正确方法吗? 提前谢谢!

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this is quite a broad question but if I was approaching this I would start with the following...

Create a base class called interactive page... An instance of an interactive page would be able to do the things you mentioned (play narration, play animations, display text, turn forward & backwards a page etc.)

I would then create another class with a list (probably called pages) which would be filled with all the customised instances of the pages I wanted to add.

I would devote a class to managing this list and the pages contained in it. If I wanted to add more books, that's when I would consider using another scene, but even then I would probably just stick to one.

There are many ways to do what you are talking about and the above is only one way off the top of my head.

Hope this helps :)