我正在开发一个模拟conways生命游戏的程序,它与预设尺寸完美配合。但是,一旦我尝试使用选项e中所见的动态尺寸,我就开始遇到问题。主要问题在于“生命”功能,它在整个阵列中迭代并决定它是否应该使细胞生命。我已经调试了一段时间,我输入尺寸为50 * 40,它迭代到61,1。这应该在技术上工作,但它只是每次都打破。请记住,我在每个维度上添加了12个,以便考虑我放在边缘的缓冲区。从技术上说,它应该工作吗?如果您有任何建议我会非常感激!
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <new> // i havent used this one yet
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// REMEMBER: The outside of the array is 6 more than what we show so that nothing interferes
//also that it goes y,x and that x is going to be bigger so that we get a rectange
//we use the copy function to copy an array from eachother, either the current one to the temp one or
//vise versa. This is so that we can alter the cells one step at a time without affecting everything else.
void copy(int **array1, int **array2, int o, int p)
for(int j = 0; j < o; j++)
for(int i = 0; i < p; i++)
array2[j][i] = array1[j][i];
} // the second array sent is assigned the first array sent!
//this array will initialize our arrays so that we can use them later
int** init(int n, int m)
int **array;
array = new int*[m]; // x
array = new int*[n]; // y
for (int q=0; q < n; q++)
array[q] = new int[n];
for (int w=0; w < m; w++)
array[w] = new int[m];
return array;
void populate(int o, int p, int** board){ // THIS FUNCTION HASN'T BEEN USED YET
for(int i=0; i < p; i++)
for(int j=0; j < o; j++) // It was in a in-class demo but i dont think i need it
board[i][j] = pow(i, j);
//The life function looks at the pieces around the cell and figures out what happens next.
// Probably the most important in the entire program, feast your eyes!
void life(int **array, int o, int p)
//Copies the main array to a temp array so changes can be made without affecting anyone else
int **temp;
temp = init(o, p);
copy(array, temp, o, p);
for(int j = 1; j < o; j++)
for(int i = 1; i < p; i++)
// checks all 8 cells surrounding it
int count = 0;
cout << " j is " << j << " and i is " << i << endl;
// cout << array[j][i]; // DEBUGGING
count =
array[j-1][i] + array[j-1][i-1] +
array[j][i-1] + array[j+1][i-1] +
array[j+1][i] + array[j+1][i+1] +
array[j][i+1] + array[j-1][i+1];
//cell dies.
if(count < 2 || count > 3)
temp[j][i] = 0;
//nothing happens.
if(count == 2)
temp[j][i] = array[j][i];
//now the cell will be born, or if it already is alive then it stays that way.
if(count == 3)
temp[j][i] = 1;
//Copies the temp array back to the main array.
copy(temp, array, o, p);
//This function prints the 40 x 50 part of the array, a 1 means that there will be a cell there,
//otherwise it will just be an empty space.
void print(int **array, int o, int p)
for(int j = 6; (j < (o-6)); j++)
for(int i = 6; (i < (p-6)); i++)
if(array[j][i] == 1 )
cout << '*';
cout << '.';
cout << endl;
//I read somewhere it would be a good idea to make sure to end the program early if it somehow
//became stable by itself early. so this compares the old array with the new one to check if they
//are the same. This commonly occurs if a glider runs off the screen for example.
bool compare(int **array1, int **array2,int o,int p)
int counter = 0;
for(int j = 0; j < o; j++)
for(int i = 0; i < p; i++)
if(counter == o*p)
return true;
return false;
int main()
int o= 52, p=62;
int **firstgen;
int **next;
int **backup;
// 40 + 12, 50 + 12
int x, y;
char starty;
char again;
char cont;
bool comparison;
//Here is where we initialize our arrays
firstgen = init(o,p);
next = init(o,p);
backup = init(o,p);
cout << endl << "Welcome to John Conway's Game of Life." << endl;
//This loop is for if we are still simulating, don't get confused!
//this loop checks for inputs.
menu: //this is a goto we use for if we change dimensions
x = 0, y = 0;
//now we get the menu
cout << endl << "--- Choose an option Below ---" << endl;
cout << "(a) Glider" << endl;
cout << "(b) Gosper Gilder gun" << endl;
cout << "(c) R Pentomino Pattern" << endl;
cout << "(d) Oscillator" << endl;
cout << "(e) Change the dimensions (it defaults to (50*40)" << endl;
cin >> starty;
}while(starty != 'a' && starty != 'b' && starty != 'c' && starty != 'd' && starty != 'e');
int i = 0;
//we need to assign firstgen in this area
//choose a glider position
if (starty == 'a'){
x= 0, y= 0;
cout << " X dimension: ";
cin >> x;
cout << " Y dimension: ";
cin >> y;
if (x < 0 || x > p || y < 0 || y > o){
cout << endl << "you entered invalid dimensions" << endl;
goto menu;
x = x+6; //we add 6 because there are six spots to the left that aren't shown we need to account for
y = y+6;
//creates the glider
firstgen[y][x] = 1;
firstgen[y][x+1] = 1;
firstgen[y][x+2] = 1;
firstgen[y-1][x] = 1;
firstgen[y-2][x+1] = 1;
else if (starty == 'b'){
x= 0, y= 0;
cout << "Your dimensions are based on the farthest left point" << endl;
cout << " X dimension: ";
cin >> x;
cout << " Y dimension: ";
cin >> y;
if (x < 0 || x > p || y < 0 || y > o){
cout << endl << "you entered invalid dimensions" << endl;
goto menu;
//this is because we have the buffer zone of 6
x = x+6;
y = y+6;
//Gosper gun
//box on left
firstgen[y][x] = 1;
firstgen[y][x+1] = 1;
firstgen[y+1][x] = 1;
firstgen[y+1][x+1] = 1;
//left circle starting in top of the left curve (flat part)
firstgen[y][x+10] = 1;
firstgen[y-1][x+11] = 1;
firstgen[y-2][x+12] = 1;
firstgen[y-2][x+13] = 1;
firstgen[y+1][x+10] = 1;
firstgen[y+2][x+10] = 1;
firstgen[y+3][x+11] = 1;
firstgen[y+4][x+12] = 1;
firstgen[y+4][x+13] = 1;
//dot in middle
firstgen[y+1][x+14] = 1;
//arrow thing on the right
firstgen[y-1][x+15] = 1;
firstgen[y][x+16] = 1;
firstgen[y+1][x+16] = 1;
firstgen[y+1][x+17] = 1;
firstgen[y+2][x+16] = 1;
firstgen[y+3][x+15] = 1;
//boomerang bit on the far right section
firstgen[y][x+20] = 1;
firstgen[y][x+21] = 1;
firstgen[y-1][x+20] = 1;
firstgen[y-1][x+21] = 1;
firstgen[y-2][x+20] = 1;
firstgen[y-2][x+21] = 1;
firstgen[y-3][x+22] = 1;
firstgen[y-3][x+24] = 1;
firstgen[y-4][x+24] = 1;
firstgen[y+1][x+22] = 1;
firstgen[y+1][x+24] = 1;
firstgen[y+2][x+24] = 1;
//tiny box on farthest right, almost done!
firstgen[y-1][x+34] = 1;
firstgen[y-1][x+35] = 1;
firstgen[y-2][x+34] = 1;
firstgen[y-2][x+35] = 1;
else if (starty == 'c')
x= 0, y= 0;
cout << "Your dimensions are based on the farthest left point" << endl;
cout << " X dimension: ";
cin >> x;
cout << " Y dimension: ";
cin >> y;
if (x < 0 || x > p || y < 0 || y > o){
cout << endl << "you entered invalid dimensions" << endl;
goto menu;
x = x+6;
y = y+6;
//creates R Pentamino pattern
firstgen[y][x] = 1;
firstgen[y][x+1] = 1;
firstgen[y+1][x+1] = 1;
firstgen[y-1][x+1] = 1;
firstgen[y-1][x+2] = 1;
// creates the simple oscillator
else if (starty == 'd')
x= 0, y= 0;
cout << "Your dimensions are based on the top of the oscillator" << endl;
cout << " X dimension: ";
cin >> x;
cout << " Y dimension: ";
cin >> y;
if (x < 0 || x > p || y < 0 || y > o){
cout << endl << "you entered invalid dimensions" << endl;
goto menu;
x = x+6;
y = y+6;
firstgen[y][x] = 1;
firstgen[y+1][x] = 1;
firstgen[y+2][x] = 1;
// allows you to choose your dimensions
else if (starty == 'e')
o= 0, p= 0;
x= 0, y= 0;
cout << "choose the height and width of your field, between 0 and 100" << endl;
cout << " X dimension: ";
cin >> x;
cout << " Y dimension: ";
cin >> y;
if (x < 0 || x > 100 || y < 0 || y > 100){
cout << endl << "Please keep dimensions between 0 and 100" << endl;
goto menu;
// the problem is that it is adding my x dimension and my placement choice together and then
// starts to run the program, which threadbreaks. I need to find out why these two values are
// adding together and fix it
x = x+12;
y = y+12; // plus twelve so that we have 6 around all sides
p = x;
o = y;
firstgen = init(o,p);
next = init(o,p);
backup = init(o,p);
// is this part below necessary?
// next[o][p];
// backup[o][p];
// idk
// cout << "y value is: " << o << " and the x value is " << p << endl; // debugging
goto menu;
//Loop that does the simulation.
//Prints the generation. If i == 0, the firstgen array is copied to the
//next array, and is printed before any functions act upon it.
cout << endl << "Generation " << i << ":" << endl << endl;
//Initializes the arrays by copying the firstgen array to the next array.
if(i == 0)
copy(firstgen, next, o, p);
//this stuff below happens in every cycle
cout << "the x/p value is" << p << "and the y/o value is " << o << endl;
copy(next, backup, o, p);
print(next, o, p);
life(next, o, p);
//Pauses the system .2 seconds so that it doesn't flash past you super fast and you
// can't appreciate its beauty
system("sleep .2");
//Checks whether the generation is a multiple of 100 to ask
//the user if they want to continue
if(i % 100 == 1 && i != 1)
cout << endl;
//Loop to check for proper inputs.
cout << "Continue? (y or n): ";
cin >> cont;
}while(cont != 'y' && cont != 'n');
if(cont == 'n')
//Compares the current generation with a backup generation.
//The idea is that if it is the same with the backup generation then
//something boring is going on or smething went wrong. It will end if that
//is the case.
comparison = compare(next, backup, o, p);
if(comparison == false)
// system("clear");
//cout << string( 10, '\n' );
if(comparison == true)
cout << endl;
}while(comparison == false);
//Loop to check if we want to keep going.
cout << "Run another Simulation? (y or n): ";
cin >> again;
while(again != 'y' && again != 'n');
//this is where we clean out all our firstgen values
//i used to have this at the top but didn't really need it
for(int y = 0; y < o; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < p; x++)
firstgen[y][x] = 0;
while(again == 'y');
return 0;
答案 0 :(得分:0)
要做的就是确保你的启动函数创建的数组与你要访问的数组大小相同。我试图从数组[52] [1]中获取不存在的值,因为在我的初始化函数中我只运行了for循环,而n&lt; o,这意味着它没有创建第52行。真是一种解脱!