SQL Server查询 - 根据2个不同的公共分隔符将字符串拆分为3个部分

时间:2015-06-03 22:57:54

标签: sql-server string substring charindex

我正在尝试构建一个可以将组合的产品描述,颜色和大小分成各个值的查询。我有一张桌子,里面有产品描述,颜色和尺寸。某些产品说明包含每个用特定字符串分隔的颜色和大小。一些颜色和大小包含在它们自己的列中。很多时候,描述和颜色/大小列都包含颜色/大小值。结合颜色和大小的常见产品说明如下所示: ProductDescription ..- ..颜色 - .--颜色由" ..- .."分隔的尺寸。和大小由" - .--"分隔。有时颜色和/或大小不存在,并且查询没有分隔符引用,但我仍然希望它分割描述/颜色或描述/大小,或者只返回颜色/大小的描述和空白值既不存在......


Invalid length parameter passed to the LEFT or SUBSTRING function.



        When Ps.ColorStart <= 5 And Ps.SizeStart <= 5 Then Ps.Description
        When Ps.ColorStart <= 5 And Ps.SizeStart > 5 Then Left(Ps.Description, Ps.SizeStart - 6)
        When Ps.ColorStart > 5 Then Left(Ps.Description, Ps.ColorStart - 6)
        Else Ps.Description
    End As DescriptionWithoutColorAndSize

        When Ps.PColor Is Not Null And Ps.PColor <> '' Then Ps.PColor
        When Ps.ColorStart <= 5 Or Ps.Description Is Null Or Ps.Description = '' Then ''
        When Ps.SizeStart <= 5 And Ps.ColorStart > 5 Then SUBSTRING(Ps.Description, Ps.ColorStart, 299)
        When Ps.SizeStart > 5 And Ps.ColorStart > 5 Then SUBSTRING(Ps.Description, Ps.ColorStart, Ps.ColorEndIfSizeExists - Ps.ColorStart + 1)
            --The prior line is what fails
        Else ''
    End As Color

        When Ps.PSize Is Not Null And Ps.PSize <> '' Then Ps.PSize
        When Ps.SizeStart <= 5 Then ''
        Else SUBSTRING(Ps.Description, Ps.SizeStart, 299)
    End As Size

        ,P.Color As PColor
        ,P.Size As PSize
        ,CHARINDEX('..-..',P.Description,0) + 5 As ColorStart
        ,CHARINDEX('--.--',P.Description,0) -1 As ColorEndIfSizeExists
        ,Len(P.Description) As ColorEndIfSizeDoesNotExist
        ,CHARINDEX('--.--',P.Description,0) + 5 As SizeStart

        MYProductsTable P
    ) Ps

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


    When Ps.PColor Is Not Null And Ps.PColor <> '' Or Ps.ColorEndIfSizeExists - Ps.ColorStart + 1 < 0 Then Ps.PColor
    When Ps.ColorStart <=5 Or Ps.Description Is Null Or Ps.Description = '' Then ''
    When Ps.SizeStart <=5 And Ps.ColorStart > 5 Then SUBSTRING(Ps.Description, Ps.ColorStart, 299)
    When Ps.SizeStart > 5 And Ps.ColorStart > 5 Then SUBSTRING(Ps.Description, Ps.ColorStart, Ps.ColorEndIfSizeExists - Ps.ColorStart + 1)

    Else ''
End As Color

我将“&lt; = 5”的所有实例更改为“&lt; 6”,并在下面添加了一个新的时间:

        When Ps.ColorEndIfSizeExists - Ps.ColorStart + 1 < 0 Then SUBSTRING(Ps.Description, Ps.ColorStart, 299)
        When Ps.PColor Is Not Null And Ps.PColor <> '' Then Ps.PColor
        When Ps.ColorStart <6 Or Ps.Description Is Null Or Ps.Description = '' Then ''
        When Ps.SizeStart <6 And Ps.ColorStart > 5 Then SUBSTRING(Ps.Description, Ps.ColorStart, 299)
        When Ps.SizeStart > 5 And Ps.ColorStart > 5 Then SUBSTRING(Ps.Description, Ps.ColorStart, Ps.ColorEndIfSizeExists - Ps.ColorStart + 1)
        Else ''
    End As Color

这解决了这个问题。我不知道为什么......如果有人这样做,请随时解释! 感谢您的所有投入。