
时间:2015-06-03 03:47:37

标签: c++ string stdstring

我正在研究一个问题,我必须在字符串对象中添加存储数字的HugeInteger对象。当我运行程序并输入2个值(即100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1)时,我得到一个Debug Assertion Failed ... Expression:string下标out或range message。我认为问题是由于我的运算符+ =函数。不确定如何实现进位部分/添加字符串。希望了解如何解决这个问题的一些想法。



method.invoke(annotation, (Object[])null) or method.invoke(annotation, new Object[0])


#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <string>

class HugeInteger
    // need to offer friendship to these 2 functions
    friend std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & src, HugeInteger & value);
    friend std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & dest, const HugeInteger & value);

    //ctor that converts a "long long" into a HugeInteger
    HugeInteger(long long value = 0LL); //0LL is constant literal value 0
    //   of type long long

    //ctor that converts a string into a HugeInteger
    HugeInteger(const char *str);

    //Convert a string into a HugeInteger
    void input(const std::string& str);

    //adds RHS into LHS (the object pointed to by the "this" pointer) and returns result
    HugeInteger & operator +=(const HugeInteger & RHS);

    //adds a "long long" (RHS) and LHS and puts result into a temp HugeInteger
    //   and returns result
    HugeInteger operator +(long long RHS) const;

    //adds a string (which will be converted into a HugeInteger) with LHS into a temp 
    //       HugeInteger and returns result
    HugeInteger operator +(const char * RHS) const;

    // overload preincrement operator for the HugeInteger class
    HugeInteger & operator ++ (void);

    bool negative;  // will be true if number is negative
    std::string hugeInt; // each digit is stored in a string object

//overloads the << and >> operators for the HugeInteger class
std::istream & operator >> (std::istream & src, HugeInteger & value);
std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & dest, const HugeInteger & value);


#include "HugeInteger.h"
#include <sstream>

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

HugeInteger::HugeInteger(long long value)
    // set all MaxDigit digits to zero to start
    this->negative = false;
    if (value < 0LL){ // 0LL is constant literal 0 of type long long
        this->negative = true;
        value = -value; // make the value positive                  

    unsigned int i = 0;

        for (; i < hugeInt.size(); i++)
            this->hugeInt[i] = '0';
        this->hugeInt[i] = '\0';

    // convert individual digits of input value into a HugeInteger
    for (unsigned int j = hugeInt.size() - 1; j >= 0 && value != 0LL; j--)
        short result = value % 10;
        char c = (char)result;
        this->hugeInt[j] = c;
        value /= 10;

    // test to make sure that HugeInteger was able to contain value

    if (value != 0LL){
        *this = 0LL; // set to -0, to signal overflow
        this->negative = true; //   Possibly should increase value assigned
    }                          //   to MaxDigit to fix this problem.

// converts string into a HugeInteger object
HugeInteger::HugeInteger(const char *str)

// converts long long into HugeInteger and then invokes
//    HugeInteger::operator +=(const HugeInteger & )
HugeInteger HugeInteger::operator +(long long value) const
    HugeInteger temp = *this;
    return temp += (HugeInteger(value));

//converts string into HugeInteger and then invokes
 //   HugeInteger::operator +=(const HugeInteger & )
HugeInteger HugeInteger::operator +(const char *str) const
    HugeInteger temp = *this;
    return temp += (HugeInteger(str));

// Adds into the HugeInteger pointed to by the "this" pointer 
//   the HugeInteger op.
//   Then the calculated result is returned
HugeInteger & HugeInteger::operator+=(const HugeInteger &op)

    int carry = 0;

    for (int i = op.hugeInt.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        int temp = this->hugeInt[i];
        temp += carry;

        this->hugeInt[i] = char(temp);
        if (int(this->hugeInt[i]) > 9)
            int temp = int(this->hugeInt[i]);
            temp -= 10;
            this->hugeInt[i] = char(temp);
            carry = 1;

            carry = 0;


    return *this;

void HugeInteger::input(const std::string& str)
    // assume positive for now
    this->negative = false;

    // init. to all zeros first
    unsigned int i = 0;


    while (i < str.size())
        if (isdigit(str[i]))
            this->hugeInt += str[i];

// Pre-increment operator
HugeInteger & HugeInteger::operator ++ ()
    string key = this->hugeInt;

    istringstream in(key);
    int int_key;
    in >> int_key;
    ostringstream out;
    out << int_key;
    key = out.str();
    this->hugeInt = key;

    return *this;

istream & operator>>(istream & input, HugeInteger & value)
    string inputString;
    input >> inputString;
    return input;

ostream & operator << (ostream & output, const HugeInteger & value)
    // find first non-zero digit
    unsigned int i = 0;

    if (value.hugeInt.size() == 0)
        cout << '0';

    while (i < value.hugeInt.size()){
        if (value.hugeInt[i] != '0'){

    // if all zeros, just output a single 0
    if (i == 40)
        cout << '0';
        return output;

    // check if we need to ouput a negative sign
    if (value.negative){
        cout << '-';

    // output remaining digits
    for (; i < value.hugeInt.size(); i++)
        cout << value.hugeInt[i];

    return output;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


for (int i = op.hugeInt.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
    int temp = this->hugeInt[i];

iop.hugeInt.size() - 1限制,但this->hugeInt可能超出范围,因为this->hugeInt可能会短得多。