
时间:2015-06-02 22:44:38

标签: python numpy pandas

我试图将简单函数应用于大多数pandas中的数字数据。数据是一组由时间索引的矩阵。我想使用分层/多级索引来表示它,然后使用split-apply-combine like操作对数据进行分组,应用操作,并将结果汇​​总为数据帧。我希望这些操作的结果是数据帧而不是Series对象。




import pandas
import numpy as np

t1 = pandas.DataFrame([[0, 0, 0],
                       [0, 1, 1],
                       [5, 5, 5]], columns=[1, 2, 3], index=["A", "B", "C"])
t2 = pandas.DataFrame([[10, 10, 30],
                       [5, 1, 1],
                       [2, 2, 2]], columns=[1, 2, 3], index=["A", "B", "C"])
m = np.ones([3,3])
c = pandas.concat([t1, t2], keys=["t1", "t2"], names=["time", "name"])
#print "c: ", c

# How to view just the 'time' column values?
#print c.ix["time"]  # fails
#print c["time"] # fails

# How to group matrix by time, subtract value from each matrix, and then
# take the mean across the columns and get a dataframe back?
result = c.groupby(level="time").apply(lambda x: np.mean(x - m, axis=1))

# Why does 'result' appear to have TWO "time" columns?!
print result

# Why is 'result' a series and not a dataframe?
print type(result)

# Attempt to get a dataframe back
df = pandas.DataFrame(result)

# Why does 'df' have a weird '0' outer (hierarchical) column??
print df
#                         0
# time time name
# t1   t1   A     -1.000000
#           B     -0.333333
#           C      4.000000
# t2   t2   A     15.666667
#           B      1.333333
#           C      1.000000


for each time point:
  subtract m from time point matrix
  collapse the result matrix across the columns by taking the mean (preserving the row labels "A", "B", "C"
return result as dataframe

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


如何查看' time'列值?

In [11]: c.index.levels[0].values
Out[11]: array(['t1', 't2'], dtype=object)

如何按时间对矩阵进行分组,从每个矩阵中减去值,然后   取整列的平均值并得到一个数据帧?


In [46]: c.groupby(level='time').apply(lambda x: x - m).mean(axis=1)
time  name
t1    A       -1.000000
      B       -0.333333
      C        4.000000
t2    A       15.666667
      B        1.333333
      C        1.000000
dtype: float64