我有不同条件下微RNA(miR)的测序数据('比较'),我想创建一个点图,它将在不同的图表上显示每个miR的倍数变化。数据看起来像这样(并且是一个pandas data_frame)
mir_Names Comparison Fold_Change
9 9 mmu-miR-100-4373160\n15 m... YAD-YC 508539.390000
15 9 mmu-miR-100-4373160\n15 m... YAD-YC 26.816000
17 9 mmu-miR-100-4373160\n15 m... YAD-YC 728.608000
18 9 mmu-miR-100-4373160\n15 m... YAD-YC 11483029.706000
g = sns.FacetGrid(upregulated, col='Comparison', sharex=True, sharey=True, size=0.75, aspect=12./8, despine=True, margin_titles=True)
g.map(sns.pointplot, 'mir_Names', 'Fold_Change', data=upregulated)
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-180-a1cf1b282869> in <module>()
1 g = sns.FacetGrid(upregulated, col='Comparison', sharex=True, sharey=True, size=0.75, aspect=12./8, despine=True, margin_titles=True)
----> 2 g.map(sns.pointplot, 'mir_Names', 'Fold_Change', data=upregulated) #maybe with .count
c:\pyzo2014a\lib\site-packages\seaborn\axisgrid.py in map(self, func,
*args, **kwargs)
447 # Finalize the annotations and layout
--> 448 self._finalize_grid(args[:2])
450 return self
c:\pyzo2014a\lib\site-packages\seaborn\axisgrid.py in
_finalize_grid(self, axlabels)
537 self.set_axis_labels(*axlabels)
538 self.set_titles()
--> 539 self.fig.tight_layout()
541 def facet_axis(self, row_i, col_j):
c:\pyzo2014a\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\figure.py in tight_layout(self, renderer, pad, h_pad, w_pad, rect) 1663 rect=rect) 1664
-> 1665 self.subplots_adjust(**kwargs) 1666 1667
c:\pyzo2014a\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\figure.py in subplots_adjust(self, *args, **kwargs) 1520 1521 """
-> 1522 self.subplotpars.update(*args, **kwargs) 1523 for ax in self.axes: 1524 if not isinstance(ax, SubplotBase):
c:\pyzo2014a\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\figure.py in update(self, left, bottom, right, top, wspace, hspace)
223 if self.bottom >= self.top:
224 reset()
--> 225 raise ValueError('bottom cannot be >= top')
227 def _update_this(self, s, val):
**ValueError: bottom cannot be >= top**