" subprocess.Popen([' notify-send',message])"但我无法弄清楚如何在Windows中做这样的事情?
脚本: -
from urllib.request import urlopen
import re
import subprocess
# URL to the product
flipkart_url =
'http://www.flipkart.com/mens-clothing/t-shirts/~spring-summer-2015/prp%5B%5D=facets.brand%255B%255D%3DNike&p%5B%5D=sort%3Dpopularity&sid=2oq%2 Cs9b%2Cj9y&ref=35e28112-55ab-43fa-b988-50e326563a89&otracker=clp_mens-clothing-t-shirts_clp%2FFlipkartFashionModule_2-1_Nike'
flipkart_fetch = str(urlopen(flipkart_url).read())
product = re.findall('Notify me when this product is in Stock',flipkart_fetch)
# message to print
if len(product) == 0:
message = "your product is back in stock at Flipkart "
# ToDo - Notify using a pop up
print ('Your product is not available ')