
时间:2015-05-23 20:21:13

标签: c# task cancellation

我有多次调用以下方法(例如onboxup of textbox),它会异步过滤列表框中的项目。

private async void filterCats(string category,bool deselect)

    List<Category> tempList = new List<Category>();
    //Wait for categories
    var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
    var token = tokenSource.Token;


    tempList= await _filterCats(category,token);
    //Show results
    CAT_lb_Cats.DataSource = tempList;
    CAT_lb_Cats.DisplayMember = "strCategory";
    CAT_lb_Cats.ValueMember = "idCategory";



private async Task<List<Category>> _filterCats(string category,CancellationToken token)
    List<Category> result = await Task.Run(() =>
        return getCatsByStr(category);

    return result;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


lim 1/2n^3 /  ((n^3 -3n^2 + 2n)/6)  when n->infinity = 1/2 < infinity


if (_tokenSource != null)

_tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

    await loadPrestatieAsync(_bedrijfid, _projectid, _medewerkerid, _prestatieid, _startDate, _endDate, _tokenSource.Token);
catch (OperationCanceledException ex)


答案 1 :(得分:4)


正如评论中提到的,Rx(Reactive Extensions)为此提供了非常好的模式,允许您轻松地将UI元素连接到可取消的异步任务,构建重试逻辑等。


simple UI


namespace TryOuts
    using System;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Reactive.Linq;
    using System.Threading;

    // Simulated async search service, that can fail.
    public class FakeWordSearchService
        private static Random _rnd = new Random();
        private static string[] _allWords = new[] {
            "gideon", "gabby", "joan", "jessica", "bob", "bill", "sam", "johann"

        public async Task<string[]> Search(string searchTerm, CancellationToken cancelToken)
            await Task.Delay(_rnd.Next(600), cancelToken); // simulate async call.
            if ((_rnd.Next() % 5) == 0) // every 5 times, we will cause a search failure
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Search for '{0}' failed on purpose", searchTerm));
            return _allWords.Where(w => w.StartsWith(searchTerm)).ToArray();

    public static class RxAutoComplete
        // Returns an observable that pushes the 'txt' TextBox text when it has changed.
        static IObservable<string> TextChanged(TextBox txt)
            return from evt in Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler, EventArgs>(
                h => txt.TextChanged += h,
                h => txt.TextChanged -= h)
                select ((TextBox)evt.Sender).Text.Trim();

        // Throttles the source.
        static IObservable<string> ThrottleInput(IObservable<string> source, int minTextLength, TimeSpan throttle)
            return source
                .Where(t => t.Length >= minTextLength) // Wait until we have at least 'minTextLength' characters
                .Throttle(throttle)      // We don't start when the user is still typing
                .DistinctUntilChanged(); // We only fire, if after throttling the text is different from before.

        // Provides search results and performs asynchronous, 
        // cancellable search with automatic retries on errors
        static IObservable<string[]> PerformSearch(IObservable<string> source, FakeWordSearchService searchService)
            return from term in source // term from throttled input
                   from result in Observable.FromAsync(async token => await searchService.Search(term, token))
                        .Retry(3)          // Perform up to 3 tries on failure
                        .TakeUntil(source) // Cancel pending request if new search request was made.
                   select result;

        // Putting it all together.
        public static void RunUI()
            // Our simple search GUI.
            var inputTextBox = new TextBox() { Width = 300 };
            var searchResultLB = new ListBox { Top = inputTextBox.Height + 10, Width = inputTextBox.Width };
            var searchStatus = new Label { Top = searchResultLB.Height + 30, Width = inputTextBox.Width };
            var mainForm = new Form { Controls = { inputTextBox, searchResultLB, searchStatus }, Width = inputTextBox.Width + 20 }; 

            // Our UI update handlers.
            var syncContext = SynchronizationContext.Current;
            Action<Action> onUITread = (x) => syncContext.Post(_ => x(), null);
            Action<string> onSearchStarted = t => onUITread(() => searchStatus.Text = (string.Format("searching for '{0}'.", t)));
            Action<string[]> onSearchResult = w => { 
                searchStatus.Text += string.Format(" {0} maches found.", w.Length > 0 ? w.Length.ToString() : "No");

            // Connecting input to search
            var input = ThrottleInput(TextChanged(inputTextBox), 1, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5)).Do(onSearchStarted);
            var result = PerformSearch(input, new FakeWordSearchService());

            // Running it
            using (result.ObserveOn(syncContext).Subscribe(onSearchResult, ex => Console.WriteLine(ex)))