
时间:2015-05-23 19:36:19

标签: ms-access


  1. 数字 购买
  2. 101 product1 product2 product3
  3. 102 product1 product2
  4. 我想使用ms访问查询(仅使用select查询)将其转换为以下格式

    1. 数字 购买
    2. 101 product1
    3. 101 product2
    4. 101 Product3
    5. 102 product1
    6. 102 product2
    7. 我无法将转换列转换为行,在表中我有一个列,其中多个值由空格分隔,我必须在ms访问选择查询中逐行转换它 请任何人都可以帮助我

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

如果您愿意使用代码,那么这很容易 使用以下代码计算空格数

Public Function calculateSplits(InputRecord as String) 
Dim recordWithoutSpaces as String
Dim noOfSpaces as Integer

recordWithoutSpaces = Replace(InputRecord," ","")
noOfSpaces =Len(InputRecord) -Len(recordWithoutSpaces )
calculateSplits = noOfSpaces 
End Function  


Public Function ParseText(TextIn As String, x As Byte, Optional MyDelim As String) As Variant
On Error Resume Next
If Len(MyDelim) > 0 Then
   ParseText = Split(TextIn, MyDelim)(x)
   ParseText = Split(TextIn, " ")(x)
End If
End Function



Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim myDelim As String
Dim strSQL As String ' want to insert the ParseText value into the new cust_info table
Dim ParseText As String
myDelim = " "
If Len(myDelim) > 0 Then
      For i = 0 To 3 ' <-- n+1 CalculateSplits e.g if you have found 3 splits (spaces) then i =0 to 4
         ParseText = Split("101 product1 product2 product3", myDelim)(i)
            strSQL = "INSERT INTO cust_info([cust_id], [cust_prods]) VALUES ('" & i + 1 & "','" & ParseText & "');"
         DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

End If

End Sub
