import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
public class MadLibs {
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in);
//in order to create the output file first prompts user to decide
//whether they want to create a mad-lib, view their mad-lib or quit
//if 'c' is selected then while loop is exited
String action = "c";
String fileName = "fileName";
while (action.equals("c")) {
System.out.print("(C)reate mad-lib, (V)iew mad-lib, (Q)uit? ");
action = console.nextLine();
action = action.toLowerCase();
File file = new File(fileName);
System.out.print("Input file name: ");
while (!file.exists()) {
fileName = console.nextLine();
file = new File(fileName);
if (!file.exists()) {
System.out.print("File not found. Try again: ");
//asks for a file to read from for the mad-lib game
//and creates file (named by user) to input the information
System.out.print("Output file name: ");
String outputName = console.nextLine();
File outputFile = new File(outputName);
PrintStream output = new PrintStream(outputFile);
Scanner tokens = new Scanner(file);
while (tokens.hasNext()) {
String token = tokens.next();
//calls the returned placeHolder
String placeHolder = placeHolder(console, tokens, token);
String newWord = madLib(console, token, placeHolder);
//copies each token and pastes into new output file
while (action.equals("v")) {
System.out.print("Input file name: ");
fileName = console.nextLine();
File outputFile = new File(fileName);
if (!outputFile.exists()) {
System.out.print("File not found. Try again: ");
fileName = console.nextLine();
} else {
PrintStream output = new PrintStream(outputFile);
output = System.out;
while (action.equals("q")) {
public static String madLib(Scanner console, String token, String
placeHolder) throws FileNotFoundException{
String word = placeHolder.replace("<", "").replace(">", ": ").replace("-",
" ");
String startsWith = String.valueOf(word.charAt(0));
if (startsWith.equalsIgnoreCase("a") || startsWith.equalsIgnoreCase("e")
startsWith.equalsIgnoreCase("i") || startsWith.equalsIgnoreCase("o")
startsWith.equalsIgnoreCase("u")) {
String article = "an ";
System.out.print("Please type " + article + word);
String newWord = console.next();
return newWord;
} else {
String article = "a ";
System.out.print("Please type " + article + word);
String newWord = console.next();
return newWord;
public static String placeHolder(Scanner console, Scanner tokens, String
token) throws FileNotFoundException {
while(!(token.startsWith("<") && token.endsWith(">"))) {
//not a placeholder!
//continue reading file
token = tokens.next();
//outside of this while loop = found a placeholder!!
String placeHolder = token;
//returns placeholder to main
return placeHolder;
//method prints out the introduction to the game
public static void intro() {
System.out.println("Welcome to the game of Mad Libs");
System.out.println("I will ask you to provide various words");
System.out.println("and phrases to fill in a story.");
System.out.println("The result will be written to an output file.");
I wannabe a <job> when I grow up.
Just like my dad.
Life is <adjective> like that!
Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Scanner.java:862)
at java.util.Scanner.next(Scanner.java:1371)
at MadLibs.placeHolder(MadLibs.java:96)
at MadLibs.main(MadLibs.java:46)
答案 0 :(得分:1)
while(tokens.hasNext() && !(token.startsWith("<") && token.endsWith(">"))) {
//not a placeholder!
//continue reading file
token = tokens.next();