product/productId: B00006HAXW
review/userId: A1RSDE90N6RSZF
review/profileName: Joseph M. Kotow
review/helpfulness: 9/9
review/score: 5.0
review/time: 1042502400
review/summary: Pittsburgh - Home of the OLDIES
review/text: I have all of the doo wop DVD's and this one is as good or better than the
1st ones. Remember once these performers are gone, we'll never get to see them again.
Rhino did an excellent job and if you like or love doo wop and Rock n Roll you'll LOVE
this DVD !!
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE reviews (id int, user_id int, profile_name int, helpfulness string, review_score float, review_time int, review_summary string, review_text string)