
时间:2015-05-19 14:30:43

标签: extjs extjs5

当我使用Extjs Kitchen Sink 5中的树例子制作我自己的树时。我会得到一个'setRootVisible'错误,如下所示:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'setRootVisible' of undefined

我在厨房水槽中使用了这个例子:Sencha Kitchen Sink


Ext.define('app.view.dashboard.widget.Tree', {
extend: "Ext.panel.Panel",
xtype: 'tree',

requires: [

controller: "dashboard-tree",

viewModel: {
    type: "dashboard-tree"   

layout: {
    type: 'hbox',
    pack: 'start',
    align: 'stretch'

defaults: {
    xtype: 'treepanel',
    frame: false,
    rootVisible: true, // when true, the 'root' map will be shown 
    store: 'trees' // select store wich contains the tree data

initComponent: function() {
    // declare all items of the tree 
    this.items = [{
        flex: 1

这个树店来自Sencha Kitchen Sink:

Ext.define('app.store.Trees', {
extend: 'Ext.data.TreeStore',
xtype: 'store',

root: {
    text: 'Ext JS',
    expanded: true,
    children: [
            text: 'app',
            children: [
                { leaf:true, text: 'Application.js' }
            text: 'button',
            expanded: true,
            children: [
                { leaf:true, text: 'Button.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Cycle.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Split.js' }
            text: 'container',
            children: [
                { leaf:true, text: 'ButtonGroup.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Container.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Viewport.js' }
            text: 'core',
            children: [
                    text: 'dom',
                    children: [
                        { leaf:true, text: 'Element.form.js' },
                        { leaf:true, text: 'Element.static-more.js' }
            text: 'dd',
            children: [
                { leaf:true, text: 'DD.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'DDProxy.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'DDTarget.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'DragDrop.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'DragDropManager.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'DragSource.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'DragTracker.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'DragZone.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'DragTarget.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'DragZone.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Registry.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'ScrollManager.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'StatusProxy.js' }
            text: 'core',
            children: [
                { leaf:true, text: 'Element.alignment.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Element.anim.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Element.dd.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Element.fx.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Element.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Element.position.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Element.scroll.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Element.style.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Element.traversal.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Helper.js' },
                { leaf:true, text: 'Query.js' }
        { leaf:true, text: 'Action.js' },
        { leaf:true, text: 'Component.js' },
        { leaf:true, text: 'Editor.js' },
        { leaf:true, text: 'Img.js' },
        { leaf:true, text: 'Layer.js' },
        { leaf:true, text: 'LoadMask.js' },
        { leaf:true, text: 'ProgressBar.js' },
        { leaf:true, text: 'Shadow.js' },
        { leaf:true, text: 'ShadowPool.js' },
        { leaf:true, text: 'ZIndexManager.js' }

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


Ext.define('app.view.dashboard.widget.Tree', {
    extend: "Ext.panel.Panel",
    xtype: 'tree',

应扩展ExtJs Tree Panel类,而不是标准面板,如下所示:

Ext.define('app.view.dashboard.widget.Tree', {
    extend: "Ext.tree.Panel"



var text1 = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.Text', {
     fieldLabel: 'Foo'

 // or alternatively:

 var text1 = Ext.widget({
     xtype: 'textfield',
     fieldLabel: 'Foo'


Ext.define('MyApp.PressMeButton', {
    extend: 'Ext.button.Button',
    xtype: 'pressmebutton',
    text: 'Press Me'

参考:Sencha Documentation | Ext.Component

答案 1 :(得分:1)

现在它适用于我。我唯一要做的就是为initComponent: function() {}内的项目声明树存储。


initComponent: function() {
    // declare store
    this.store = new app.store.Trees();

    // declare all items 
    this.items = [{
        title: 'treeTest',
        flex: 1
