70/30 Automatic Split in Vim

时间:2015-05-12 23:29:07

标签: vim

I've seen many VIM users have a 70/30 vsplit that automatically resizes to 70% for the active buffer. Example of this are Jose Mota's tutorials on Tuts+ but I've seen it in other screencasts as well. How do I achieve that?

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I will assume that he is using some sort of String folder = location; String exe = "test.exe"; ProcessBuilder p = new ProcessBuilder(); p.command(folder + exe); p.start(); and ''winheight' trick. Example:


This works because set winheight=999 set winminheight=5 is the minimum height for the active window. All other windows will use 'winheight' for their window height.

For more help see:
