IBackgroundtask deviceusetrigger thread hangs but not canceled neither crashed - windowsphone 8.1

时间:2015-05-12 22:53:43

标签: c# windows background windows-phone-8.1

I have an IBackgroundtask triggered by a Deviceusetrigger in Windows phone 8.1 native.

This task is reading from the accelerometer every 500ms and performing some operations. At a certain point, it could be ten minutes or one hour or 5 hours the thread stops completely without a reason and it is not passing through the OnCanceled event so I'm not being canceled by the OS due to some policy.

The behavior is completely random. It should be no crash either because, there is no crash and no exception thrown.

I'm completely clueless on how to debug such a behavior, any idea is well accepted.

select NodeId
from RegionNodes rn
group by NodeId
having sum(case when RegionId = -1 then 1 else 0 end) <> 1 or
       sum(case when RegionId <> -1 then 1 else 0 end) = 0;

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