
时间:2015-05-06 02:07:31

标签: c# polymorphism permutation



请写一段代码作为输入列表   每个元素是另一个包含未知类型的列表   返回可以通过获取获得的所有可能列表的列表   每个输入列表中的一个元素。






[['1'],['2'],['3','4']]应该返回[['1','2','3'],['1',   '2','4']。


     public void flipHorizontal (int x, int y, int size)

    int half = size / 2;
    int x1 = x - half;
    int y1 = y - half;
    int x2 = x + half;
    int y2 = y + half;
    Pixel sourcePixel = getPixel (x1,y1);
    Pixel targetPixel = getPixel (x1, y1 + half);

    //loop through columns
    for (x = x; x < x2; x++)
      //loop from 0 to before mirror point
      for (y = y; y < y2 + half; y++)
        Color friend = sourcePixel.getColor();
        sourcePixel = getPixel (x1,y1);
        targetPixel = getPixel (x1, y1 + half);
        targetPixel.setColor (friend);


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)





public static IList<IList<T>> GetPermutations<T>(IList<IList<T>> inputLists) {
    if (inputLists.Count < 2) {
        // special case. 

    return _permutationHelper(0, inputLists);

private static IList<IList<T>> _permutationHelper<T>(int i, IList<IList<T>> inputLists) {
    IList<IList<T>> returnValue = new List<IList<T>>();
    if (i == inputLists.Count) {
        returnValue.Add(new List<T>());
    } else {
        foreach (var t in inputLists[i]) {
            foreach (var list in _permutationHelper(i + 1, inputLists)) {

    return returnValue;

确实,您的实现在运行时允许任意类型,但它会失去类型安全性。鉴于它是C#中的一个实现,类型安全是一个要求是一个安全的猜测 - 但要求它也没有坏处。

另一件值得注意的事情 - 他们可能只是说他们正在寻找给定列表的Cartesian product

答案 1 :(得分:1)


static void Main(string[] args)
    var intCollections = new List<List<int>>();
    intCollections.Add(new List<int> { 1, 5, 3 });
    intCollections.Add(new List<int> { 7, 9 });

    var stringCollections = new List<List<String>>();
    stringCollections.Add(new List<String> { "a", "b" });
    stringCollections.Add(new List<String> { "c","d", "e" });
    stringCollections.Add(new List<String> { "g", "f" });

    //here you would have the "polymorphism", the same signature for different Lists types

    var intCombinations = GetPermutations(intCollections);
    var stringCombinations = GetPermutations(stringCollections);

    foreach (var result in intCombinations)
        result.ForEach(item => Console.Write(item + " "));


    foreach (var result in stringCombinations)
        result.ForEach(item => Console.Write(item + " "));

    Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit.");

//This would be your generic implementation, basically changing from object to T and adding <T> after method

private static List<List<T>> GetPermutations<T>(List<List<T>> collections)
    List<List<T>> permutations = new List<List<T>>();

    //Check if the input list has any data, else return the empty list.
    if (collections.Count <= 0)
        return permutations;

    //Add the values of the first set to the empty List<List<object>>
    //permutations list
    foreach (var value in collections[0])
        permutations.Add(new List<T> { value });

    /* Skip the first set of List<List<object>> collections as it was
        * already added to the permutations list, and loop through the
        * remaining sets. For each set, call the AppendValues function
        * to append each value in the set to the permuations list.
        * */
    foreach (var set in collections.Skip(1))
        permutations = AppendNewValues(permutations, set);

    return permutations;

private static List<List<T>> AppendNewValues<T>(List<List<T>> permutations, List<T> set)
    //Loop through the values in the set and append them to each of the
    //list of permutations calculated so far.
    var newCombinations = from additional in set
                            from value in permutations
                            select new List<T>(value) { additional };

    return newCombinations.ToList();
