
时间:2015-05-04 17:14:24

标签: sql sql-server sql-server-2008

如何根据条件将列值分成多行。结果表将显示在Count(*)中。我在多个select语句中尝试使用 Date Type ----------------------------------------- 02/05/2015 A 04/05/2015 B 04/05/2015 C 05/05/2015 A 但不是我所期望的。提前致谢

表: RegistrationReport

Date                 Type 1   Type 2   Type 3 
02/05/2015              A        -        -
04/05/2015              -        B        - 
04/05/2015              -        -        C  
05/05/2015              A        -        - 
Total:                  2        1         1 



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

尝试下面提到的简单查询来获取 Total

;with CTE as(
    SELECT Date
        ,case when Type = 'A' then 'A' else '-' end as 'Type_1'
        , case when Type = 'B' then 'B' else '-' end as 'Type_2'
        , case when Type = 'C' then 'C' else '-' end as 'Type_3'
    FROM RegistrationReport

select cast(Date as varchar(20))Date
from CTE
SELECT 'Total:'
    ,CAST(SUM(case when Type_1= 'A' then 1 else 0 end)as varchar(10))
    ,CAST(SUM(case when Type_2= 'B' then 1 else 0 end)as varchar(10))
    ,CAST(SUM(case when Type_3= 'C' then 1 else 0 end) as varchar(10))


答案 1 :(得分:1)


Select distinct Cast(coalesce(a.date, b.date, c.date) as varchar) as Date
  , isnull(a.Type, '--') as Type1 
  , isnull(b.Type, '--') as Type2
  , isnull(c.Type, '--') as Type3 
from Table a
full outer join Table b
  on a.date = b.date
full outer join Table c
  on isnull(a.date, b.date) = c.date
where isnull(a.type, 'A') = 'A' 
  and isnull(b.type, 'B') = 'B' 
  and isnull(c.type, 'C') = 'C'

union all

select 'Total'
  , count(distinct case when type = 'A' then Date end)
  , count(distinct case when type = 'B' then Date end)
  , count(distinct case when type = 'C' then Date end)
from Table