
时间:2015-05-04 15:59:37

标签: java




import java.util.Scanner; // for keyboard access

public class Lab6 {
final int LENGTH = 100001;
private Student[] student = new Student[LENGTH];
private int currSize;

 * promptMenu - dumps the menu to the screen and gets the user's selection 
 *       from the Scanner (usually keyboard), returning it
 * @param usingInputStream - where to place the menu text (usually
 * @return caharacter representing the user's (lowercased) selection
public static char promptMenu(Scanner usingInputStream)
    // dump the menu ...
    System.out.println("Choose one:");
    System.out.println("  (L)ist all students.");
    System.out.println("  (A)dd a student.");
    System.out.println("  (R)ead many students from file.");
    System.out.println("  Sort Students by (F)inal exam score.");
    System.out.println("  Sort Students by final a(V)erage.");
    System.out.println("  Sort Students by (N)ame.");
    System.out.println("  (Q)uit.");

    // get the user's request ...
    return Character.toLowerCase(usingInputStream.next().charAt(0));        
public Lab6()
student = new Student[LENGTH];

public static void main(String[] args) {

    // allow for keyboard input
    Scanner kbd = new Scanner(System.in);

    char choice; // holds the user's chosen option

    // repeat until the user quits. 
        // print menu and get user's selection form menu 
        choice = promptMenu(kbd);

        // based on user's choice, do something ....

         * YOU WILL WANT TO ADD CODE FOR EACH OF CASES l, a, r, f, v, and n  !!!!! *

        case 'l':  // list array contents in current ordering (if any)
            if(student != null)
                for(int i=0; i<currSize; i++)
                System.out.println("The array is empty.");

        case 'a':  // prompt user to add a single student and data from the keyboard
            System.out.print("Please add a single student and data from the keyboard: ");

            student = new Student[kbd.nextInt()];

            for(int i=0; i< student.length; i++)
                student[i] = kbd.nextInt();
        case 'r':  // read data from file
        case 'f':  // sort data by final exam score (numerically high to low)
        case 'v':  // sort data by final average (numerically high to low)
        case 'n':  // sort data by student name (alphabetically low to high)

        case 'q':  // do nothing ...
        default:   // uh, oh ... user gave a bad input. 
            System.out.println("Bad choice ("+choice+") try again!");
    while (choice!='q'); // if user selected quit, then get out of loop.

    // print terminating message (so user knows program has not "hung". 
    System.out.println("Thank you for using student record keeper!");



import java.util.Scanner;  //code uses Scanner class

public class Student {

private String name;  // student name (no spaces)
private int exam1;    // student exam #1 score
private int exam2;    // student exam #2 score
private int finalExam;// student final exam score

 * Constructor for Student class, given a student's pertinent data 
 * @param studentName    - first name of student, as a String.
 * @param exam1Score     - student's score on exam #1
 * @param exam2Score     - student's score on exam #2
 * @param finalExamScore - student's score on final exam
public Student(String studentName, 
               int exam1Score, int exam2Score, int finalExamScore)
    name = new String(studentName); // don't want reference copy
    exam1 = exam1Score;
    exam2 = exam2Score;
    finalExam = finalExamScore;

 * Constructor for Student class, to be read from a Scanner. The Scanner
 *   could be the keybard or an open file, etc...
 * @param s  - the Scanner from which to read a student's data. 
 * NOTE: very important that data is provided in the order:
 *    name   exam1    exam2    final
public Student(Scanner s)
    // for each instance varaiable, just read the associated data from the Scanner
    name = s.next();
    exam1 = s.nextInt();
    exam2 = s.nextInt();
    finalExam = s.nextInt();

// Accessors

 * getName 
 * @return the Student's name
public String getName() {return name;}
 * getExam1
 * @return the Student's score on exam #1
public int getExam1() {return exam1;}
 * getExam2
 * @return the Student's score on exam #2
public int getExam2() {return exam2;}
 * getFinal
 * @return the Student's score on the final exam
public int getFinal() {return finalExam;}
 * getAvergae
 * @return the Student's overall average
public double getAverage()
    double avg = (2.0/7)*exam1 + (2.0/7)*exam2 + (3.0/7)*finalExam;
    return avg;

// Mutators

 * setName
 * @param toName the new name for the student
public void setName(String toName) {name=new String(toName);/*again, don't want reference copy*/}
 * setExam1
 * @param toScore the new exam1 score
public void setExam1(int toScore) {exam1=toScore;}
 * setExam2
 * @param toScore the new exam2 score
public void setExam2(int toScore) {exam2=toScore;}
 * setFinal
 * @param toScore the new final exam score
public void setFinal(int toScore) {finalExam=toScore;}

//utility methods

 * toString
 * @return String representing the Student data. Suitable for use when listing students.
 * note that adding a toString() method to any class allows you to use an object of that
 *   anywhere a String could go. The most common place for such is when printing, and
 *   the result would be that what is printed is what is returned by the toString method.
 *   So, the following code:
 *       Student almostPerfect = new Student("Perfection", 99, 98, 100);
 *       System.out.println(almostPerfect);
 *   would print something like:
 *                              Perfection:   99   98  100   99.14
public String toString()
    String result = String.format("%40s:%5d%5d%5d%8.2f", 
                                  name, exam1, exam2, finalExam,
    return result;

 * print - simply dumps the STudent to the screen, using format found above in toString()
public void print()


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


        student = new Student[kbd.nextInt()];



 1.静态方法只能访问静态变量(例如使用static修饰符声明的静态变量)。主要方法是ALWAYS静态,因此您打算在其中使用的任何变量必须声明为static。  2.非静态方法可以访问静态和非静态两种类型的变量。