Win7的位/ 64位/批次/初学者
@echo off
::I found this to be useful for variables in for-loops
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set odrive=%odrive:~0,2%
set backupcmd=xcopy /S /C /G /D /E /I /R /Y
::this part is meant to find all available drives
for %%i in (D E F G H I J) do if exist %%i: (
::and store the drive name
set target=!target!%%i:\
echo "!target!"
::now I want to find a certain folder and use its filepath
for /d /r "!target!" %%a in (*) do if /i "%%~nxa"=="foldername"
set folderpath=!folderpath!%%a ::I want to use this just like I did earlier
echo "!folderpath!" ::but it turns out to be empty
::the last step is to use the folderpath for the backupcmd
%backupcmd% "!folderpath!" "%drive%\backedUpFiles"
::reset variables
set "target="
set "folderpath="
不知道这是否真的是“好”的批处理脚本,但到目前为止我可以遵循并理解它。我期待错误介于两行之间(字面意思),也许它与我如何使用变量有关。 该错误与“无效的驱动器名称”有关。