
时间:2015-04-30 07:04:40

标签: haskell yesod



    artname     Text
    title       Text
    body        Text
    parent      ArticleId Maybe

    UniqueArt   artname

    deriving    Typeable





parentField :: Field sub ArticleId
parentField = Field
    { fieldParse = \rawVals _ -> do
            let (name:[]) = rawVals
            marticle <- runDB $ getBy (UniqueArt name)
            case marticle of
                Nothing      -> return $ (Left . SomeMessage) ("Article name invalid." :: Text)
                Just article -> return $ (Right . Just) (entityKey article)

    , fieldView = \idAttr nameAttr attrs eResult isReq ->
            case eResult of
                Right key -> do
                    marticle <- runDB $ get key
                    let name = case marticle of
                                   Just article -> Right (articleArtname article)
                                   Nothing      -> Left ("Article key invalid." :: Text)

                    (fieldView textField) idAttr nameAttr attrs name isReq

                Left _ -> (fieldView textField) idAttr nameAttr attrs eResult isReq

GHC不喜欢marticle <- runDB $ get key行并给出以下错误:

    Couldn't match type ‘HandlerT site1 IO’
                  with ‘WidgetT (HandlerSite sub) IO’
    Expected type: HandlerT site1 IO (Maybe Article)
                   -> (Maybe Article -> HandlerT site1 IO ())
                   -> WidgetT (HandlerSite sub) IO ()
      Actual type: HandlerT site1 IO (Maybe Article)
                   -> (Maybe Article -> HandlerT site1 IO ()) -> HandlerT site1 IO ()
    Relevant bindings include
      parentField :: Field sub ArticleId
        (bound at Handler/Article.hs:39:1)
    In a stmt of a 'do' block: marticle <- runDB $ get key
    In the expression:
      do { marticle <- runDB $ get key;
           let name = ...;
           (fieldView textField) idAttr nameAttr attrs name isReq }
    In a case alternative:
        Right key
          -> do { marticle <- runDB $ get key;
                  let name = ...;
                  (fieldView textField) idAttr nameAttr attrs name isReq }


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  • 必须完全指定parentField签名。由于YesodPersist来电,因此需要设置YesodPersistBackendrunDB约束。
  • fieldView内的查询需要转换为Widget,因为它在输出Widget的函数内部工作。这就是使用handlerToWidget函数的原因。
  • 原始代码基于textField字段,但这会产生其他限制。因此我定义了自己的whamlet
  • fieldEnctype失踪。


parentField :: YesodPersist site
            => YesodPersistBackend site ~ SqlBackend
            => RenderMessage (HandlerSite (HandlerT site IO)) FormMessage
            => Field (HandlerT site IO) ArticleId
parentField = Field
    { fieldParse = \rawVals _ -> do
            let (name:[]) = rawVals
            articleM <- runDB $ getBy (UniqueArt name)
            return $ case articleM of
                Nothing      -> (Left . SomeMessage) ("Article name invalid." :: Text)
                Just article -> (Right . Just) (entityKey article)

    , fieldView = \ident name attrs resultE isReq ->
            case resultE of
                Right key -> do
                    articleM <- handlerToWidget . runDB $ get key
                    let value = case articleM of
                                   Just article -> Right (articleArtname article)
                                   Nothing      -> Left ("Article key invalid." :: Text)

                    parentHtml ident name attrs value isReq

                Left err -> parentHtml ident name attrs (Left err) isReq
    , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
    where parentHtml ident name attrs val isReq =
            [whamlet|$newline never
                <input id="#{ident}"
                       value="#{either id id val}">