我正在为我的网络应用程序使用Google Charts,其中我在图表中显示了一些数据。我提供的数据点数量从几千到几十万不等。
我观察到,在一定数量的数据点(~10,000)之后,谷歌图表渲染脚本(从谷歌下载的脚本)开始没有响应。随着我增加数据,脚本无法构建图表,我的浏览器挂起。如果我尝试对数据执行不同的操作(不包括Google Charts),则浏览器会按预期运行。
那么Google Charts API可以处理的数据量是否有限制?这是浏览器/计算机特有的问题吗?
此问题与Google Chart Line, limit on the size or length of the array or data
不重复答案 0 :(得分:2)
我在“Google Visualization API”论坛上看到了类似的问题:
Google Visualization API › What is the data size limitations
答案 1 :(得分:1)
I am currently testing this. I am at 61,000 points on a line chart loaded in 7 seconds, but I am looking to make my code as efficent as possible. Also the data needs to be downloaded so caching is important. My aim is to be able to hold 500,000 to 1,000,000 points and have them download reasonably quickly.
I think the limit is on the server, client pc and the code that makes it all happen. If you have code that is looping all over the place or if you use php to pass the data to the client then you can reach you limit fast.
I have found directly reading the .json file greatly increase the limit. PHP died around 30,000.